Chapter 31

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Jeana screamed when she saw the mist crawling over the castle. 

"How is it possible?" She yelled at her followers.

Jeana had heard of such spells, but they were old and ancient. How did the woman in red know how to cast them? 

"Surround the castle before it completely disappears." She ordered the Essence. Several women began running towards the white mist.

Jeana wasn't sure what to do. She had never encountered such a complicated and old spell. Most of the magic she knew was fairly new and dabbled in the dark arts. This spell, however, was not dark. It was a masking spell used to protect innocent people. The spell would only work if someone intended to harm innocent people.

Jeana sighed.

"They are not innocent." She muttered to herself.

She rubbed her eyes and stared at the mist in concern.

After what seemed like hours, one by one the Essence women came back unsuccessful. The mist had grown so that not only could you not see the castle, but you couldn't feel it either. 

Jeana was incredibly angry. She wasn't sure what to do. Jeana had no knowledge of what spell could break through the mist. However...

She knew someone who did.

Her mother, Mirabelle.


Jackie had been picking carrots from her garden near her cottage when she had another vision. 

It was dark, but Jackie could tell that it she was seeing the forest. There were many dark figures, but one was leading the others. Moonlight streamed across the leader's face.

It was Jeana.

She was grinning and was holding a chain in her hands. The chain led to shackles on the hands of an old woman. The moonlight shifted to the old woman. It was Mirabelle!

Jeana had captured her mother and was using her knowledge to fight the woman in red.

Jackie's vision broke. She was back in her sunny garden in the swamp.

She caught her breath and decided that she must leave at once to tell Joyce about Jeana's plans. Jackie gathered a few belongings and set off on the journey towards the castle to find Joyce.


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