Chapter 50

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Finally after traveling through the forest, Joyce led the guards and Merek to Jackie's cottage. Joyce knocked on the door and waited. But Jackie never answered it. 

This made Joyce feel concerned. Why isn't she here?

I thought she hadn't left her cottage in years... Joyce thought.

Merek came to Joyce's side and asked, "Is she here?"

Joyce shook her head and said, "I don't think she is... I don't even know where she would go."

Merek nodded and said, "Maybe she's in Evanmere?"

"I don't know," Joyce replied, "I completely missed Evanmere when I was running through the forest. I don't even know what it looks like."

"Well, shall we go see?" Merek asked.

Joyce nodded and walked away from Jackie's door and went with Merek deeper into the woods.


They traveled for two days more before signs of Evanmere appeared. They sent Octavia to scout out the village and see if it was safe for them to pass through unnoticed. 

She was gone for quite a while, but when she came back, she was smiling.

"The village appears to be deserted." Octavia said.

"There's no one there?" Merek asked.

Octavia shook her head. "I searched everywhere and there's not a soul."

Joyce thought this information was strange. When she had been running from Breecrest, the Essence women had told her to go to Evanmere. There had to have been people there just a few weeks ago.

"Well, I guess let's proceed with caution then." Joyce said. 


When Joyce's troop passed through Evanmere, she knew something wasn't right. 

There were many deserted buildings and businesses. There was no sign of anyone living there. However, Joyce somehow knew that there had been people there just weeks ago...

Where had they gone?

Thankfully, they passed safely through Evanmere and headed toward Breecrest. Joyce was very nervous to pass through that village. She wasn't sure if they'd be safe. Joyce was still very shaken up from the last time she had been there.

But, she made Merek to protect her.

As far as she knew, there wasn't any magic in Breecrest that could put Merek in danger. So she hoped he'd have an edge over the poor insane women who lived there. Those women were unwell and needed help. When this was all over, Joyce wanted to help the women and make sure they got the care they deserved. Joyce believed the only reason why Jeana had kept them alive was just because they weren't men.

Jeana had no use for them. 

Joyce silenced her thoughts as they continued to move through the forest, toward Breecrest.

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