Chapter 44

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Merek and Joyce had been searching for what felt like hours in the attic...

Still, no progress.

However, every once in a while, Merek would steal a kiss or two.

This made Joyce very happy. Even though things weren't going according to her plan, being with Merek felt right. He had a special talent of making her happy.

She really liked that about him.

Joyce sifted through an old trunk. So far she'd found an old dress, a locket, and some gloves. She was studying the details on the old dress when Merek came to her side. She looked up and he was smiling.

He kissed her again.

Joyce loved the way that he kissed her. He was strong and masculine, but was gentle and loving. She loved that about him.

Some cleared their throat behind them.

They stopped kissing and turned to face the voice.

It was a guard.

"Excuse me," She said, "But Queen Phoebe believes she's found the book."


Joyce and Merek raced downstairs and into Queen Phoebe's room. She was standing at her personal bookshelf and looked very pleased with herself.

"Come here," She said, "Watch this."

She pushed a certain book on the shelf and there was a creak and moaning sound of wood moving. Phoebe's bookshelf was moving! Merek and Joyce stood back and watched in amazement as the shelf began to move.

It opened and there hidden in the wall sat a big, old, dusty book.   

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