Chapter 26

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Joyce emerged from the forest and started to walk towards the castle. She wasn't sure how she was going to just walk up and announce that she had come to save the day. In all honesty, she hadn't even thought her plan out all the way through. She was acting on instinct. 

She took long, quick steps towards the front of the castle. Joyce stared at the castle. It was beautiful! It was made out of strong white rock that glittered in the sun. It was radiant and new, but Joyce somehow knew that the castle was very old.

There was a balcony above the castle's front doors. Joyce saw a figure run onto the balcony. 

Joyce gasped.

It was a male figure.

Joyce continued walking closer. The figure disappeared and emerged a few moments later out of the front doors of the castle. He walked toward Joyce. 

Time seemed slow down. All she could focus on was the man walking towards her. He had very fine clothes and dark, short hair. His eyes were what stood out most to Joyce. They were bright blue and sparkled in the sun.

A few more steps and Joyce and the man stood face to face.

They stared at each other for a moment and Joyce curtsied low and long. When she rose, the man bowed back to her.

A moment of silent passed by and then the man spoke.

"Welcome woman in red. We have waited a long time for you to come."

His voice deep and refined. He had a slight accent that made him sound educated and sophisticated. 

"Thank you," Joyce replied, "We have a lot to talk about your Highness."

"That we do," He replied. "Please, come inside." He gestured to the castle doors. 

Joyce nodded and followed King Merek inside the castle.


As soon as Gwen left the pub, Jeana knew something was off. 

But she couldn't put her finger on it...

Why would Gwen accept her offer and then have some urgent personal business to attend to? Jeana thought. Who even is this girl? 

Jeana decided to do some research on Gwen. She went to one of her advisers, Yelena.

"Yelena, I need you to find out about a certain girl in the Essence." Jeana said.

"Of course my lady," Yelena replied, "What's her name?" 

"Her name is Gwen."

Yelena nodded and disappeared into the archive room where all the Essence's records were kept. When a woman joins the Essence, she is initiated and cuts her hair. Then her name is recorded and she signs her name to prove her loyalty.

Jeana waited for a long time at the bar of the pub. She just downed her second drink, when Yelena returned.

She had papers in her hands.

Yelena sat on the stool next to Jeana and spread out the papers.

"I've found four different girls named Gwen." Yelena started, "Gwen Larsen, Gwen Preston, Gwen Crowley, and Gwen Jacobs."

Jeana examined the papers. The dates on initiation for all for women were quite old. All when Jeana had first started the Essence. 

But the Gwen she was looking for was new. Jeana could tell. She didn't have the experience of older Essence members.

Jeana's mind began to work.

She pounded her fist on the counter of the bar.

"How could I be so stupid!?" She yelled.

"What is it my lady?" Yelena asked nervously.

"Yelena, I think I've just let the woman in red slip through my fingers..." Jeana replied.

She threw her face into her hands. But a few seconds later, she hopped up and angrily pushed Yelena's papers to the floor. Jeana bounded upstairs to her room. Yelena followed cautiously behind her. 

"My lady! What we do??" Yelena asked.

Jeana was angrily throwing some of her books on magic in a knapsack. "We head to the capital and stop her from entering the castle."

"How did she get past you?" Yelena asked in shock.

"She must have disguised herself somehow! I didn't recognize her... But I did feel her power." Jeana replied.

Then she stormed out of the room and raced down the stairs, out of the pub and into the night.


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