Chapter 23

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After Jeana's magic lessons, Joyce went to her bedroom to think.

What should she do?

Should she confront Jeana here and now? Should she revel her true identity?

No... Not yet.

I wish I could talk to Mirabelle! Joyce thought.

A few minutes passed and Joyce reflected on everything she had learned about Jeana. She was very troubled and had a lot of issues. She hated her mother, was angry, and Joyce could tell she had a distorted view of her self image. Jeana hid it all well though.

Joyce need to do something.

She lay on her bed thinking. Joyce closed her eyes.

And then her eyes snapped open! She had a plan. She knew what she needed to do.


After Joyce had refined the details of her plan in her head, she knocked on Jeana's door.

It was late that night, but after a few seconds of waiting, Jeana came to the door.

"Jeana," Joyce started, "I'm sorry, but I have some urgent business to attend to and I need to leave at once."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm so sorry," Joyce continued, "I'll be back as soon as I can. I'm not deserting you I promise."

Jeana stared at Joyce, right in her eyes. Jeana's eyes narrowed. Was she connecting the dots? Joyce wondered nervously.

But then Jeana said, "Very well. But I need you back in three days or else there will be consequences."

"Thank you Jeana! I'll be back soon."

And with that, Joyce walked down the hall, walked out of the pub and into the night. 

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