Chapter 18

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Joyce had been staying with Jackie for a few days. She had decided to trust the strange woman. She was hospitable and had saved Joyce from the swamp. Joyce wasn't sure, but she felt like Jackie would be a very valuable friend to her. After all, she could see the future.

Jackie plopped a bowl full of what looked like oatmeal in front of Joyce. 

"Thank you." She said.

Jackie sat in the chair across the table from Joyce. "What's your real name? I know it's not Gwen."

"Joyce." She said. 

"Hmmm, an interesting name. It's a play on the word 'joy'." Jackie thought out loud, "There's power in names. I bet you bring joy to a lot of people."

Joyce smiled, "Thanks Jackie."

Joyce ate her oatmeal while Jackie got up and began packing supplies in a knapsack. She put food, water, bandages, and some coins in it. 

"I thought you could use some supplies for the rest of your journey." Jackie said, handing the sack to Joyce.

"Oh thank you so much! You have been so kind to me." She replied.

Joyce thought for a moment and asked, "Jackie, have you seen anything about the future?"

Jackie paused and looked at the ground.

"I have..." She replied, "It was about King Merek. He was lying on the ground of the forest, and Jeana was standing over him, grinning hysterically..."

Joyce gasped.

"But," Jackie continued, "A lot of my visions aren't what they appear to be."

Joyce nodded, but she felt sick in her stomach.

"I have faith in you, my pretty." She said.

Joyce got up from the table and tossed the knapsack over her shoulder.

"If you need anything, I'm here in my little cottage." Jackie said.

Joyce smiled and said her goodbye and went down the swampy pathway of the forest.  


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