The Collision

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I ran through the halls without looking at where I was going. I was going to be late to gym and I really don't want extra laps. Paige was calling after me to stop but I didn't have time for that today.

Paige has been my best friend since Pre-K. I thought that she was really pretty with her curly strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, and freckles that invaded her face and she has food. We became friends after trading crackers then after that we started talking more to each other then started going on play dates. She has been my good influence though I think she's not really influencing much to me. Don't get me wrong I'm a nice person but if you're a jerk then i'm a jerk that's how it works.

"Kayla wait!," Paige squealed and I turn around to stick my tongue out at her but I was knocked down by a figure that I'd run right into.

"Ow... Sorry I wasn't looking-" I started but he interrupted me. I looked up to see a boy i didn't really know. He had dark brown hair that was styled into a faux,icy blue eyes,a tough jawline, and tan skin. He was wearing a white jacket with a white shirt underneath,black pants and some white vans.

"Watch where you're going, dweeb," he growled with a roll of his eyes. Oh, so he is one of those people.

"Excuse me? I was trying to apologize" I stood up and gave him a stern look. Paige came up behind me and started to panic for some reason.

"Oh my God, haha. Sorry. Ash, Kayla just wasn't looking at where she was going, such a klutz. We'll be going now,bye!" Paige said in one breath. She tried pulling me to gym, but I held back. No way was I leaving before I got an apology.

"Nope, I want an apology from this jerk. I was the one who fell, you had no Reason to be so mean. Apologize." I set my lip into a firm line. Looking up at him straight in the eye. He was a couple inches taller than my 5'5 self. He looked down at me just as sternly.

"I don't see why I should. You were the one who ran into me, why don't you apologize?"he tested

"I tried to, but then you interrupted me." My eyebrows were furrowed now, my nose scrunched up. I would've argued with him longer if Paige didn't manage to start dragging me down the hall.

"He didn't apologize! Who does he think he is, being so rude to me when I tried to apologize? I swear people these days are so disgustingly rude" I fumed to Paige. We had 2 minutes to get to gym.

"You seriously don't know who that is?" Paige looked at me with surprise. I only shook my head, which only made her eyes grow larger. "He's Ashton Anderson! Seriously, we've been going here for 2 years and you don't know the most popular boy in the whole school?"

"No, I guess I don't. Let's run,I don't want extra laps today." I said racing off towards gym. Behind me, Paige was jogging. Running in the halls was against the rules, but oh well.

I walked into the gymnasium and headed straight for the girl's locker room. I had one minute to change. Paige walked in with me and we both finished changing right before the bell rang. We ran out onto the court and started doing our five laps. The gym schedule was always the same; five laps, stretches. Either volleyball, kickball,soccer, or football, and finally, five minutes of socialising. The laps and stretches always went by quickly. Before I knew it, we were a quarter way into a game of football; My least favourite of the choices.

"Heads up!" Rang a voice. I turned around, just in time to duck, avoiding the hurtling football that almost hit me in the face. That was close. Behind me, a boy named Nick dove and caught the ball. I nodded at him as he gesture to say thanks.

"Why don't you pay attention next time," teased my ex- best friend Cartney. I rolled my eyes, refusing to give her satisfaction. Cartney,Paige and I were all best friends in middle school. But then Cartney decided she wanted to become popular, started wearing five inches of make up on her face and big brands, then treated me and Paige like dirt. She turned from an incredibly,beautiful girl to an ugly bitch almost overnight.

"Why don't you try and aim better next time," I replied sassily. We heard the whistle, which signaled the start of our five minutes for socialising. I walked into the girls locker room to change. I never took the five minutes for socialising. I would change back into my clothes and talk a bit to Paige. That's it, I hate extra socialising,

I quickly changed back into my white blouse,covering it with my blaze,switched my sweatpants for my knee length skirt, and pulled my stockings on, under the skirt. I kicked off my running shoes and slipped my hightops back on. When I finished changing, I started to look around for Paige. Where was she?

"Red head over here is to quiet to say no. Aren't you?" Asked a mocking voice,Paige was one of the few red heads in the whole school. I rushed over to the voice to see a group of boys cornering poor Paige. Cartney stood back, drooling all over Ashton. Why was Ashton here?

"Hey, leave Paige alone," I said sternly. The boy with the mocking voice turned to me and shot a fake smile at me. I shot one back.

"Why? What are you going to do, fight me?" He asked tauntingly. I really don't want to get suspended.

"No, why would I want to do that? I'm a girl, and girls can't fight. We're weak and helpless," I replied in a sarcastic tone, walking over and dragging Paige away from them. A different boy grabbed Paige's arm, stopping me from leading her away." I would let go of her if I was you," I warned quietly.

"Should I?" He challenged. These boys were really getting on my nerves. I slapped his hand as hard as I could, making him let go. Please don't fight me, please don't fight me.

"Because I said so. Screw off, you're not worth chipping a nail over," I said boredly. Wow, I'm acting super macho. But it's not like I hurt him, It's only his hand. I pulled Paige away from them before they could try anything like that again.

"Oh my God, thank you! They're too scary....Complained Paige, making me laugh. She is such a chicken.

" Not really, you need to grow some backbone, learn how to stand up for yourself," I flicked my hair over my shoulder goofily. "But, thank-you, I know I'm amazing." The bell rang. Aw, I just found Paige! We both scurried off to our separate classes. Before I left the gymnasium, I passed that Ash dude. I poked him and mouthed "Apologize" before walking out.


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