Finally Safe

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Chapter 33-

**Caden’s POV**

“Did you know about this detour?” I asked Kyle.

“No, first time being here” He said.

“Then how Elli knew where to run?” I found myself asking.

Kyle shrugged. “I think it has to do with-“ .

“Guys, let’s keep going, we want our spots” Josh said, from behind us.

We all nodded and went around. Was it really someone telling her to run that way?.

It took us 20 min max, to get to the front. We looked at each other and grinned.

I took a step further and knocked. Seconds later a little rectangular window in front of me was opened with a man looking through it.

“Any of you got bit?” He asked.

“Uh, no, just one of us got shot in the arm and.. that’s it” I clarified.

He nodded. “If we find any bites on any of you, we won’t think twice before shooting”.

I nodded. “Understood sir”.

He opened the door, and motioned us to go in. We all did.

“Guys! We have eight survivors” The same man shouted.

I took Elli’s hand just in case. She looked up at me confused but didn’t comment.

The dude who opened the door for us saw me take her hand. “Chill man, we’re not going to rape your girlfriend, we just going to take you guys to the infirmary, in case you’re infected”.

I nodded but didn’t comment.

Four other men came. “Take them”.

They came near us and one of them that seemed like the leader introduced to us.

“Hello” He said. “Names?”.

I shook his hand and said, “Elli, Kyle, Josh, Rick, Amanda, Bugger, and Anthony, and I’m Caden”.

“More men than women, nice” He smirked. “By the way, why do they call you bugger?” He asked.

“Because that’s my name” Bugger said.

“What do you mean? Isn’t that like a nickname?”.

“No, that’s my name” Bugger said.

He just chuckled. “Incredible, you must have been a real pain in the ass for your parents to put that as your first name”.

Bugger smiled but shook his head. That was actually funny that’s why I laughed.

“I’m sorry I didn’t get your name” Elli said.

“Oh sorry, I’m Michael” He said, shaking her hand. Oh cool. Wait. Shit. What?.

Elli must have realized it because she took a step back and tears started coming out of her eyes.

Michael gave her a confused look. “Did I do something?” He asked.

“No, long story” I said, hugging Elli.

“Michael! Take them to the infirmary” The dude at the door shouted.

He nodded. “Will do”.

We followed him to the nursery where they cleaned Josh arm and bandaged it the right way. Not with a sock, like us. Along with the rest of us.

“So now, we will take you guys over to California” Michael said.

“Are you the pilot?” I asked.

“Yeah, hey, do I know you?” He asked Kyle.

“I don’t think so” He said. Why was he denying it. He used to work here.

“I feel like I know you from somewhere” He said.

“Do you know this man son?” Rick asked Kyle.

“No dad, I don’t think so” He played along.

“If that’s your dad, never mind then” He smiled.  

We followed him to the helicopter and there were only two left including the one we were taking.

“Well, get on” Michael said.

“Elli, go first” I said. When I didn’t feel her next to me I turned around and saw she was holding her forehead.

“Elli, are you okay?” I asked going over to her.

“Yeah, I’m fineee” She said, before hitting the floor with a loud thud. Ah shit.

“What’s wrong with her?” Kyle asked.

“I don’t know” I said, going over to pick her up bridal style.

We all got on and Michael started the helicopter. As we went further into the air , bye bye I said to the place we used to call home.


Well, I don’t know if I should leave this as the final chapter. Any suggestions?.

Vote/ Comment (:

Feel free to checkout my other story: Love is nothing but a four letter word. Yup I changed the tittle.

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