Planning Our Next Escape, Before We Get Killed By The "P.E".

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Chapter 17-

**Mike's POV**

“Why the hell would she do that?” Amanda asked.

“And why the hell would she be smiling for?” Caden asked.

Rick cleared his throat and said, “Her seven year old daughter was killed by three infected right in front of her, and then I was the one who had to kill her when she turned, and I guess she smiled, because she was happy that she was finally going to reunite with her daughter”.

Everyone just put on their “What the fuck?” face. This was confusing as hell.

“Shit poor woman” I said.

“Mike!” Elli yelled and came running to me.

I frowned to her random reaction. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I thought I was going to lose you” She said, while a single tear escaped from her left eye. Everyone was just looking at her.

“If you had, would have been because I was protecting you” I said, hugging her and kissing her forehead.

I looked over at Caden who shook his head at me. Right, she didn’t know who I was.

“Er, I’m gonna go talk to the crew” I said, getting away from her. Shit, I hated rejecting her, but me and Caden agreed on not relating to her too much, we didn’t want her too attached to us, stupid I know. But I felt bad every time I wanted to be close to her and knowing she didn’t know more than my name.

Everyone was there in a circle discussing what had happened. I was thinking some things, and they needed to know. Amanda was not there she was trying to calm Grandma Rose down. She was screaming stuff in Spanish, how we’re in hell or some shit like that.

“Guys, I need to talk about something I think it’s important” I said.

They all looked at me waiting for me to continue. “We need a new place to hide” I stated.

They all started talking at once. Shit, I hated when people did that.

“Yo! Shut up!” I said, raising my hands to try to shut them up.

“Are you crazy!” Amanda yelled from the back. Damn, this girl had some kind of satellite in her ears or something, she was so far away. That or we were being loud as fuck.

I just looked at her trying to tell her to shut the hell up with my eyes. I suppose she got the hint.

Rick just looked at me. “What are you trying to say?” He asked.

“How more specific do you want me to be!” I stated annoyed. Couldn’t he be more stupid?. How can you miss the meaning to what I just said. I was still pissed for all the situation with my girlfriend.

“Just talk” Caden said. I could see he was getting annoyed with these people too. We should just push them from here.

“Ok, we need a new place, because these guys, whoever the hell they are, were trying to kill us, if they didn’t make it too obvious for some of you” I said. “Now that they know that we’re here, they will probably come back and finish what they started, and I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t want to die by some fucker shooting at me with a damn gun” I finished.

They all nodded in understandment. Finally! No more stupid questions. Halellujah.

“And where are we going?” Josh asked.

“I guess there is something else nearby” I said. Shit I came up with this but I didn’t plan too ahead.

“I guess there’s like a Costco or something” Josh said.

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