Suffering His Death

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Chapter 31-

*Last Chapter*

“Babe” I choked out.

“What baby, please don’t leave me” She said.

“I wanna die in your arms” I told her, as much as I hated it, since I just told her I wouldn’t leave her, I knew there wasn’t anything that could save me from this.

She cried harder and put my head in her lap as she could. It hurt like a bitch but I had to stay strong. A tear escaped my eye, and I had to blink them away because I was tearing up without me wanting to.

“At least I proved it to you” I said. And smiled. I knew I was going to die, but I will die happy knowing I died saving her life. My life for hers. Another tear escaped my eyes and I knew I was close to closing my eyes, because I could feel myself drifting away.

“I love you, I love you, don’t leave me, I love you babe, please, I need you” She said, in between sobbings.

“I love youuu guys so muuchh” I told her as I closed my eyes not being able to take it anymore.


**Caden’s POV**

Sadly Mike had died in her arms. I tried to stay strong, but tears were already rolling down my cheeks. I can’t help it. Mike was like the brother I never had, he certainly didn’t deserve to die like this, and all of this because of the stupid world that we now live in.

Elli didn’t deserve this. She was screaming like crazy, but nobody dared to touch her. Amanda and Rick were bandaging Josh’s arm up. When Mike went flying in the air, he fired his gun and got Josh at the side of his left arm.

“NOOO!!!! BRING HIM BACK! I WANT TO DIE WITH HIM TOO!!!!!! TAKE ME!!!!!!!” Elli was screaming looking at the ski and she was now covered in blood, she was crying like crazy. It hurt me seeing her like this. It had broken her heart.

Mostly everyone shed a few tears for Mike since he was the fun of the group. But nothing like me and Elli felt. That stupid thing had to show up.

I went over to Elli and tried to get her up from behind but she just screamed and tried to take me off of her.

“NO! LET ME GO! HE NEEDS ME!!!!!!!” She screamed. I got her up as I could and turned her around so I could hug her.

She cried into my shoulder and started punching me on my chest with both of her hands. It didn’t hurt me, she was obviously weak right now, but what tore me apart was to look at her like this.

I grabbed both of her wrists and wrapped her arms around me. She cried harder into my shoulder and I was crying with her. I didn’t care, men that cry doesn’t mean they’re weak.

“MIKE!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED YOU!!!! Come back” She cried.

It brought more tears to my eyes knowing this is how I felt too. We both loved Mike, but on different points of view. I as a brother and her as a lover.

“Shhh, it’s gonna be ok” I told her caressing her head.

I felt her tighten her grip on me and kept crying.


I frowned at this, what was she talking about?.

I had to take care of her. Mike’s words were still in my head. He was trusting me to protect her. And I promised I would. I’m not breaking that promise. But all the other things he told me.

“Shh, it’s not your fault” I told her. She was now sobbing and I could feel that my shirt was damp from her crying but that’s the least of my worries.

She took a step back and faced to Mike. And leaned down next to him. She then started crying again. She kissed him on the lips like three times.

“Please come back, please come back, please come back” She repeated, she kept on repeating it and balancing back and forth with his hand. Please tell me she’s not going into a coma or into a big depression.

I just looked at her, not wanting to lean down, I wanted to give her some time with him.

She kept on crying and I felt terrible. Knowing I couldn’t do anything to save her from that, to take away her pain.

“PLEASE COME BACK!” She yelled punching Mike.

This time I did go and grabbed her and pulled her up. But when I did, she laughed and then fainted in my arms.

I carried her bridal style. But then remembered something.

I went and told Rick to hold her and place her down somewhere. I went back to where Mike was, and searched for one of the things he told me to take once he died. I went over his left pocket. Nothing. I searched into his right pocket and found it. I took it and placed it on my right pocket too. It was getting really dark and I looked back at the sky.

“Tell her I love her and always will” I heard someone say. Then felt a hand gripping my forearm. My eyes widened as I saw that Mike was the one who told me this.

“I will” I said, while another tear escaped my eyes. He then smiled and groaned. “I-I trust you, brother” He added.

I took his hand and gripped it. Looking at him.

“Hey man, we’re ready to go” Kyle came running to me. He caught  me staring at Mike and frowned. “Why are you holding his hand?” He asked. I then came back to reality. Like I was brought back from a dream. I then frowned and let go of Mike’s hand. Did that really happen, or was it just my imagination?.

“Nothing” I said. Standing up and making sure, ‘that’ was in my pocket.

I went and grabbed Elli’s body and carried her bridal style all the way till we found that place to rest, that Kyle had told us about.

But things and questions were invading my mind. Would Elli be fine?. Would I be able to tell her or just let her find out?. Why was this happening?. And the most important, Was that just my imagination?.

I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep today.


Well, another chapter. This was more to explain how Elli felt about Mike’s death.

Vote, Comment, Fan <3

Loves nikki. :D


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