The new guy

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Hello guys,I decided to make this chapter a little longer than the first two,so plz vote/comment if you liked it,and feel free to give me any suggestions. Btw thats Caden to the right >>>> :D

Chapter 3-

Caden was about to open the door, when it flew open knocking my brother down. My dad’s eyes were as red as my mom’s, except his face was covered in blood and he was missing an ear. I was wondering how that even happened. My mother was the only one who was in this house and my dad was the one who attacked her. Caden got me out of my thoughts when he yelled something at me.

“Go help your brother!’’ Caden said. “I got your dad under control”. I went back and helped my brother up, he was just hurt from the door hitting him right in the face, he got a busted lip from that, for sure. By the time I helped him up, Caden had already taken my dad down. Caden’s face was covered in blood from hitting my dad’s face, to the point of messing it up even more. Tears rand down my face as I thought of the beautiful and happy family we used to be. My brother came up behind me and hugged me, then, seconds later Caden joined knowing it would make me feel better.

“Everything will be okay sis” My brother told me. “You got Caden and I and as long as you have us, nothing will ever happen to you, Right? Caden”.

“Yes, I promise Eli” Caden said. “We promise”. I nodded into my brother’s shoulder. “Caden I hope you’re not getting the blood on your face in my hair” I told him. I could care less but I just wanted to get us out from the uncomfortable silence we were in. “Right, sorry” He smiled. I wiped the tears from my face and grabbed my golf pole.  Seconds later we heard the front door bust open.

“Wasn’t it locked?!’’ My brother said in disbelief.

“Apparently not” Caden said. We heard noises, and we followed Caden down the stairs, preparing ourselves for whatever came into our house. We heard a man cursing his life away. Boy, it was kind of funny. We ran out and saw a man swinging at the infected with a machete, Caden and I went to help him. I told bugger to stay put for anything else coming in. I didn’t want him getting hurt.

As soon as we took all the infected down, which were about four. We closed the door, locked it this time for sure, and we turned to the man holding the machete. He was kind of buff, he was wearing a grey shirt and black jeans covered in blood. He also had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. Taking out the part that he was mostly covered in blood, he was really handsome and attractive.

“Are you done checking me out baby girl?’’ The man smirked.

Crap! Busted!. I gave him a ‘what are you talking about’ look. ‘’ I was not checking you out, you just seem familiar” I told him, being half true and half lie, because I was definitely checking him out too.

“Mhmm, sure you were” He said while smirking.

“Dude, who are you anyways?’’ Caden asked, he sounded irritated for some reason.

“Easy there with the tone boy” He warned. Caden gave him a hard look, and I guess the man realized he was in our house after all.

“Sorry about that, I’ve been really stressed lately, let’s start over. I’m Michael Mitchell” He introduced himself, while giving Caden a hand shake.

‘’I’m Caden ,this is Elizabeth, and that boy over there is bugger”.

 “You can call me Eli, just like everyone else does’’ I said giving him a sweet smile. He gave me a signature smile in return.

“Elizabeth is a pretty name” He complimented.

“Thank you” I replied. Man, I felt myself blushing at his complement.

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