Getting along

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Hey guys, please vote and/or comment if you like my story so far. It would mean a lot (:. Pics of Caden >>.

Chapter 5-

I woke up to the sound of the loud T.V. I felt really tired, Caden and I went to sleep really late last night.

“Turn that down!” I yelled in to my pillow, unsure if someone had heard me. I waited a few moments until someone replied. “Oh sorry, that’s my fault, apparently I woke up deaf” I heard Mike say. I tried to go back to sleep but I only gained a headache from it. I sat up on the bed and saw that Mike was the only one sitting in the room watching T.V.

“Where are the others?” I asked. Mike looked at me before answering. “Damn, you look a mess”.  I woke up in a bad mood so I snapped. “Not in the mood Mike”.

“I was just kidding gorgeous, Caden is taking a shower, and Bugger is sleeping on the floor”He said. I looked down and in fact there he was, my brother had his lazy butt sleeping on the floor. I looked at Mike thinking that maybe he was the one who kicked my brother down.

“Don’t look at me, I didn’t kick him out of bed” He said pointing at my brother. “I woke up and he was already on the floor”.

I laughed. At least he wasn’t dumb. “You know how to take hints”.

He smirked and nodded, while turning his attention back to the T.V.

“So how old are you?” I asked. “We never really got to know about you yesterday” I added, not wanting to sound nosy.

“Oh, I’m twenty, turning twenty-one on May twelve” He said, still not taking his eyes off the T.V.

“Really? You don’t look like a twenty year old” I said, honestly. I thought he was older, he certainly looked good for a twenty year old. With all his features and-.

“Aw well thanks love” Mike smirked, while getting me out of my thoughts. “You?”.

I saw that now he was facing me, waiting for me to answer. “I’m nineteen, well just turned nineteen on November sixth” I said.

“Nice, so technically I’m just like two years older than you, gorgeous” He said.  Did he even care?. I shrugged. “I guess”. We got quiet after that, neither of us knowing what to say. Although there was something I wanted to ask but wasn’t sure if I should.

“So did you have any family?” I asked, waiting for him to show any emotion but instead he just shrugged and looked down at the floor for a moment, before looking back at me.

“No, my parents died in a car crash when I was fifteen, and I was placed in foster care until I was eighteen” He said. “Then I moved to the apartment in the building where I came from”.

Aw. Poor guy, I can’t imagine what it is to lose both of your parents at the same time. Well, I can relate in a way, since I lost both of my parents today. It made me sad just to think about it, I can’t imagine  what he and Caden went through.

“Oh I’m sorry” I said, when I couldn’t come up with anything else. I really thought about that a lot. What else can you tell a person who lost someone close to them? I don’t think there was a better thing to say to a situation like that.

“It’s fine, I’m over it though” He smiled. ”I guess you lived here with your parents, and they got infected?”.

“Yeah, but my brother was the one who found out about it” I said, reminding me of this morning.

“Well at least you didn’t lose everybody from your family” He said. “You have your brother and your friend with you“ He said. Why did I sense a bit of jealousy?. I could tell he wasn’t comfortable here.

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