That Happens For Being Nosy

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Chapter 14-

I woke up cuddled into Mike’s arms, I smiled to myself. I looked around and the sun was shining. We had really slept on the roof?. Oh my god, I can’t believe we actually slept here.

I slowly tried to get up without waking my boyfriend up.

“Hey” I heard Mike say. Damn it.

“Hey babe” I answered him.

“So how’d you sleep? He said, getting up.

“Good, you?” I asked him.

He gave me a quick kiss before answering, “You fell asleep in my arms,  so, good”, “Although my back hurts” He added.

“Told you it was a bad idea” I told him.

“Yeah, but it was worth it” He said, smirking.

I rolled my eyes and got up.

“Hey, where you going?” I heard him ask.

“Take a shower, idiot” I told him.

“Um, ok” He said, getting up as well.

He was right, as soon as I started walking I felt my back hurting, but it was worth it. I don’t think it was that late. Probably around 10 am. Mike decided to stay up there, so I had the room to myself. I started walking towards the apartment door, but stopped when I heard yelling.

“If it wasn’t for that she wouldn’t be so sad all the time”.

“What else could we do?”. “The only reason of why she is not dead too is because of us!”.

“You could at least talk to her, we don’t want her doing anything that will be in our minds the rest of our lives”.

“What do I need to talk to her about!” “I’m not her girlfriend, or anything, she’s an adult and it’s her decision to be living like that”.

“You say it because you’re not a mother who hasn’t lost any children”.

I heard Amanda yelling at Rick, they were having a fight apparently, but who were they talking about?. I hated to be nosy but I decided to stay and listen. We don’t know these people, this may help me know them a little. Knowing what they’re capable of.


“What if it was our son, Rick?”. “Would you feel the same way, or you just wouldn’t care?”.

“Don’t bring Anthony into this!!” I heard Rick yell.

“I will, because I need you to understand what she is going through!”.

“I don’t care!” “It’s her damn problem!, Not Mine!”.

“I will not-“.

“Don’t make me hit you!, just fucking drop it!”.

“I dare you, you son of a bitch!, “You will hit me?, because of this!, you worthless piece of shit!” I heard Amanda yell. Then before I could react to anything, the door busted open and hit me right in the face, knocking me out to the floor.


“Is she okay?” .

“Move, it’s all your fault, nobody opens a door like that”.

“Well it’s not my fault-“ .

“Guys, calm the fuck down already, go fight somewhere else”.

“Yo, go get some alcohol”.

I smelt alcohol all of a sudden. I opened my eyes slowly, and the light was frustrating, I was getting blind by it.

“Baby?” “Babe, look at me, it’s me Mike” I heard the guy say.

“Who are you?” I asked him.


A cliff hanger huh?. Is she playing or is she serious?. What do you think?.

Vote/Comment if you like the story. :D

Who’s your favorite character so far?.

And again, sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be longer, promise!.

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