At Least We Know We're Not The Only Ones~part 2

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Chapter 13-

They shot the gun, and it barely missed my arm, I would of got hit if I didn’t move on time.

“We are trying to help and these idiots the only thing they can do is try to kill us!?!?” I yelled. I flicked them off and I know they saw me. They just kept going around with the infected following them and them wasting bullets on us.

“We can’t let them die, lets open the garage door and let them in” Caden said.

“I’ll go with you” Mike told him.

“Be careful, please Mike, and you too Caden, I don’t want to lose you guys” I told them grabbing Mike’s arm. He gave me a hug and kissed my forehead. “I’ll be fine” He told me and then walked away with Caden.

**Mike’s POV**

“Be careful, please Mike, and you too Caden, I don’t want to lose you guys” She told us, she was holding onto my arm as if she let go I’ll be gone forever. I hugged her and kissed her forehead.

“I’ll be fine” I told her and then walked back with Caden.

“We’ll open the door and make sure they see us” I told him.

“Yeah, but we gotta make sure we have that garage door open for the right time, because we don’t want any infected coming in with them, remember that we don’t have our weapons” Caden said.

“Right” I said. “I really don’t think they tried to shoot one of us” I added.

“They weren’t trying to harm us, they were trying to make sure that we were humans and not infected people up there” Caden said.

“That’s stupid” I said.

“Not if you’re in their place” He said.

We got to the garage door as fast as we could.

“You ready?” Caden asked me.

“Fuck it if I’m ready or not, we gotta save these people” I told him. We grabbed the door from the bottom and opened it. The infected didn’t notice us, they were too busy trying to catch these people. We silently waved to them. Like hell I was gonna get killed trying to save them. I promised Eli I was gonna be fine and that’s what I’m gonna do. Caden knew how to take care of himself and he was the same way. Of course we were not gonna get killed by trying to save someone else, heck no. We both had the woman we loved to live for.

After what felt like hours, they finally noticed us. One of them stayed there to grab the attention of all the infected and the hummer came in our direction, three infected ran our way  and they shot them right in the head. The people in the hummer finally made it and for our luck the garage had space for three to four cars so they went all the way in and stopped at the metal door. We made sure to bring the key and lock it in case infected came in and these idiots tried to open the door and let them in. I know I’m a smart son of a bitch.

The people in the escalade  waved at us that they could never get to us without infected getting all over us. They found some meat that they had and threw it far enough for the infected to follow it and give them enough time to get to us. They drove to where we were and as soon as we came in me and Caden shut the door and we were safe. Nobody got bitten or died. Thank God, these son of a bitches weren’t smarter than us.

“Well looks like we got ourselves a team” Caden said to me.

I smirked, “We make a pretty good team we should do that shit more often”.

“My ass” Caden said. The people in the vehicles now were getting out and there were 7 of them, one old lady like in her 70’s, a kid, he looked like he was 16 or so, another woman that was actually attractive, she was blond and short of tall, three men, another woman but she was in her 60’s I guess.

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