New Place, New Romance

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We have the various faces of Mike>>> :D….. I had to dedicate this chapter to Mike and Eli.

Chapter 7-

We got in and my eyes were all over the store, it was big and everything seemed untouched, like nothing ever happened. We all looked at each other, not believing that this place was in perfect condition. We started walking further into the store, remaining in group, just in case there were some infected around.

“Guys, we have to make sure that this place is free of infected” Caden said.

“No shit Sherlock” Mike laughed.  Caden just looked back at him and gave him a glare, boy, if looks could kill.

While walking around, I noticed clothes scattered around but I just concentrated on looking for any infected. We have been walking for about five minutes and we haven’t seen anything.

“Bugger you should-” I was cut off by a piercing scream. I looked back and saw a little girl running toward us. She was infected for sure; she looked at all of us, probably trying to decide which one she was gonna go after first.  She looked at my brother and went after him. I attempted to hit her but to my surprise; my brother hit her first with the hockey stick. All this happened in a matter of seconds, and I was shocked, even after the girl had died. My little brother is not that little anymore, I thought to myself. I guess I highly underestimated him.

“I should what?” My brother asked me, as if nothing happened thirty seconds ago. Caden and Mike just had an amused look on their faces; I didn’t get what was so amusing.

“What’s so amusing to you guys?” I asked, I mean I didn’t get it at all. My brother just killed someone for the first time and they thought it was funny?.

“Nothing, I just underestimated your brother Elle” Caden said truthfully.

“Well, I told you that I could take care of myself” Bugger answered.

“Yeah, Yeah, don’t get too ahead of yourself kid” Mike interrupted. I just stood there listening to their conversation. I knew that Caden was right, he had underestimated my brother, we all had. I mean I thought my brother wasn’t even capable of killing someone, not that I thought my brother was retarded or anything. Maybe I was starting to make a big deal out of it, but it just surprised me too much.

We finished checking the store and it was all clear, I don’t know where that girl had come from.

“Guys, I think I found the girl’s parents” Mike announced. We went over to what looked like a janitor’s closet?. There were two bodies there; apparently they had killed themselves with a gun. The guy was holding a gun and there were a lot of bullets scattered around the floor. We closed the door again like we saw nothing. I mean why would we make a big deal out of two people who killed themselves over god knows what, when there is a whole city of walking cannibals who are eating each other up outside?.

“Well, I am going shopping guys” Caden said. “Well, looks like we all are” He added. He walked away toward the clothes section and I decided to keep on walking and get myself to know the place better. I saw some lights at the end of the store and decided to check it out. As I got closer I noticed the light was coming from the inside of what looked like an apartment. I walked further and opened the door in front of me, only to find what I had predicted, a mini apartment, and it couldn’t be in a better condition.

“Oh shit guys, I think we just won the lottery” Mike said. I turned around startled, how come I didn’t notice him behind me.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you” He said, I shrugged it off and then it hit me. We found a good home with everything we need and on top of that, it’s safe!.

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