You, Stealing My Girlfriend? Hell No

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Chapter 25-

**Mike’s POV**

We’ve been walking for god knows how much hours. But I know it’s been more than two. And it was noon for sure. I could feel myself turning into a fried chicken.

“Can we stop?” We heard Amanda say.

“We have to keep going, at least when we get out of this bushes” Rick told her.

“Forest” Caden corrected. Rick looked back and said, “Whatever”.

Rick and Amanda were taking the lead. Josh and Elli were in the middle, behind them, Bugger and Anthony, and Caden and I were all the way at the back.

“Quite an argument back there” Caden said. I looked over at him and he had an amused face.

“I love her and everything, but she wouldn’t shut up” I said. “She was driving me crazy, she acts like there’s nothing going around here’’ I added.

“She doesn’t get it probably” He said.

“Aren’t you guys like best friends?” I asked.

“Yeah? And your point is?” Caden said.

“Why don’t you guys talk all the time then?” I asked.

“We haven’t really been ‘talking’, with all her personalities she doesn’t talk to me or her brother, it’s all about Josh” He said.

“Oh, I see, then-“ Then it registered in my mind.

“Wait, what the fuck?” I asked. A little too loud, and everyone looked back at me.

“What?” Caden asked, once everybody kept walking.

“What do you mean, ‘it’s all about Josh?’ “ I asked.

“Man, you really need to start paying more attention” He said. Before I could ask him what he meant, he grabbed my shoulder and pointed in front of us.

“Tell me, why is she walking next to him, when she kissed you a while ago, and after Josh is the one that keeps giving you trouble?” He asked.

I thought about it. Fuck, how can I be so stupid. “He’s trying to steal my girl” I said.

“Bingo” Caden said. “But I don’t recommend going over there and start a fight with him” He added.

“I know, it will just make him look like the victim, and I will just get her away from me” I said.

“Yeahhh, I see you’re getting the flow” Caden said. I laughed and looked at him.

“The flow?” I asked amused.

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