A Happy Couple And An Uncomfortable Night

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Chapter 29-

**Caden’s POV**

“We need to get the shit ready, stop being an ass!” I told Mike, who was taking everything I was putting in the bag.

“Shut up, I’m bored” He retorted.

“Who gives a fuck?” I said. Damn I’ve been doing a lot of cursing lately.

“I see you are getting the hang of it” Mike said, smirking at me.

“Of what?” I asked.

“Swearing” He laughed.

“Whatever” I said.

“You guys are so childish” Elli said, coming from behind me.

“Why you say that, babe?” Mike asked her.

“Well, this explains it all” She said, pointing at all the things scattered on the floor.

“Mike’s fault” I said.

“Yeah, yeah, blame it on me” He said, waving me off and picking up all the things from the floor.

I left them talking there, I didn’t want to be a third wheel. Ha.

I then went to help the others. We were planning on leaving today if possible. We wanted to get there before the four days were up. Which according to a calendar and a watch I found, four days from now was Thursday.


*Mike’s POV**

“We are planning on leaving today” I told Elli. We were now sitting on some tables at the back of the store. Looked like a lunch spot.

“But how? Are we just walking through the infected!” She panicked.

“No babe, we’re leaving at night, silly” I said.

“What’s the difference!” She said.

“If you didn’t quite catch it babe, they are not really good with the senses at night” I said.

She rolled her eyes at me. “I knew that” She said.

“Of course you did” I said sarcastically.

“Shut up” She told me, a smile appearing on her face.

“Make me” I frowned jokingly.

“Oh I will” She said, leaning over the table and grabbing my shirt, then roughly kissing me.

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