Chapter 35: Giggles

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Hi guys! Here's a super super short chapter of only 1100 words 'cause I'm going to Imagine Dragons tomorrow but I really wanted to update beforehand for you! So I decided to publish this short chapter already even though I could've waited and wrote more for this chapter. I wouldn't've been able to update before the concert if I'd written more, though. I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Love you! Enjoy!


When Josh and Tyler left the aquarium, they walked down a long road with lots of small shops.

Tyler just loved strolling down the sidewalk with Josh hand in hand. If it was the only activity he could do for the rest of his life, he would never complain.

"Oooooh my god", Josh then gasped. "What is it, my love?" Tyler asked.

"There's a small vintage music shop", Josh squealed. He loved cute vintage shops, coffee houses, bookstores, and other stuff like that.

"Like a record shop or a shop with instruments?" Tyler asked. "The latter", Josh replied.

"Ohh can we go in? Maybe they have ukuleles", Tyler said. "Yeah sure!" Josh relied. He lead Tyler up the few steps and they entered the shop.

It wasn't big, but bigger than it looked on the outside. They walked around and Josh found a ukulele. It was the only one in the store.

"D'you think I'm allowed to try it?" Tyler asked. Josh asked the owner in the shop if Tyler could try it out, and he gave Tyler permission.

Tyler tuned the ukulele just by hearing how the tones sounded. He didn't use a tuner or anything. He was able to hear when it was exactly right. It was one perk of being able to hear so well.

He strummed a few chord, before turning around so he was facing Josh.

"Come with me, my love, to the sea, the sea of love. I want to tell you how much I love you", Tyler softly sang, strumming the chords to the song as he softly smiled. Josh bit his lip, smiling and blushing as he looked at his boyfriend who was singing to him in one of the nicest vintage shops on earth.

"Do you remember when we met? That's the day I knew you were my pet. I want to tell you how much I love you", Tyler continued. The few people in the shop had now noticed the singing and had walked up to them.

"Come with me, my love, to the sea, the sea of love. I want to tell you how much I love you", Tyler finished singing, but played a few more chords. He played the last chord and when Josh wanted to walk up to Tyler to hug him and kiss him, the few people including the owner applauded. Tyler blushed, but smiled and bowed. "Thank you", he giggled.

He noticed that Josh was close and gave him the ukulele. Josh put it back before going up to Tyler again. Tyler lifted his hands and rested them on the sides of Josh's neck when he was close enough. Josh's hands rested on his waist and he pulled him closer, kissing him.

Tyler smiled against Josh's lips, nuzzling his nose against Josh's.

"I love you too, my love", Josh whispered.

Josh wrapped his arm around Tyler's neck as they walked around the store for a bit longer, and eventually left again.

"Wanna go sit down for some coffee?" Josh asked suddenly as he spotted a coffee house. "Sounds great", Tyler smiled. Josh lead him inside and Tyler sat down at a round table Josh had picked out.

Josh wanted to sit down, but he gasped and got up again. "Oh fuck that hurt, that hurt really badly", he muttered.

"What?" Tyler frowned. "The-the pain", Josh mumbled awkwardly. Tyler raised his eyebrows. "Is the pain coming back?" He asked. "Yeah..." Josh trailed.

Tyler burst out in a fit of giggles.

"Tyler! This isn't funny, it hurts too much to sit down", Josh whisper-yelled.

That caused Tyler to burst out in full laughter. He was clutching his stomach as he laughed loudly, while Josh just awkwardly stood there.

"Ty, don't laugh at me", Josh softly whined. "I'm sorry, I'm so-sorry", Tyler laughed, wiping a few tears of laughter away. "I'm so sorry baby", he said, bursting out in laughter again, clutching his stomach once more.

Josh couldn't help but softly laugh too, but he still wasn't happy about Tyler laughing at him.

"Ty, stop", he whined softly.

Tyler softly laughed, getting up. "C'mon let's go outside and get you a painkiller", he said.

"But that's no fun for you", Josh softly sighed. "Baby, I don't care if we can't stay here 'cause your butt is on fire", Tyler said. "Ty! Don't talk so loudly!" Josh hissed. It caused Tyler to laugh again. "Joshie, baby, my love, no one is close enough to us to hear what I just said. I promise", Tyler said.

He still impressed Josh on a daily basis. Josh just couldn't understand how he was able to know basically everything that happened around him without being able to see.

"Mkay then", Josh muttered. Tyler walked up to him and reached out. He found Josh's hip and slid his arm around his boyfriend. He pressed a kiss on his lips.

"C'mon my love, let's make sure you're not in pain anymore. We can find another coffee house to sit down once you're okay again", Tyler said. Josh softly sighed and nodded. "Alright", he said.

Tyler grabbed Josh's hand and held it securely in his own. They exited the coffee house again and Tyler got a painkiller from his pocket. Josh used the bottle of water he'd bought at the aquarium to swallow the small pill.

"You okay, my love?" Tyler asked. Josh hummed. "If you don't laugh at me anymore", he huffed. Tyler smiled softly. He pressed a kiss on Josh's cheek.

"I promise I won't laugh anymore", he said. "I'm sorry".

"It's okay, I'm not mad", Josh said, pressing his forehead against Tyler's. "I love you too much to get mad at you", he said.

"You should get mad at me if I deserve it", Tyler said. "You better get mad at me if I deserve it. If I ever hurt you or don't treat you right, you gotta get mad at me and tell me to change that okay?" Tyler asked. Josh knew Tyler wouldn't take no for an answer.



What did you think of this very short chapter? (:

Song used:

Sea of Love - Cat Power (cover)

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