Chapter 14: Validation conversation and poems about captivation.

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Bet you weren't expecting another update just one day later hmmmm?? And it's even over 3k! 3705 words to be exact. ✨🌌🌠💫


Tyler and Josh were in their hotel room after dinner. Tyler had a roast beef salad with bread, and Josh had a chicken bagel. 

Now, Tyler was in the big bathtub which had all kinds of cool stuff like aromatherapy and bubbles and stuff. Josh was laying on the bed, looking through the music magazine he'd brought.

Josh's phone rang. He looked at the called ID and saw that it was Ashley.

"Hey babe?" Josh spoke up. "Yeah?" Tyler answered from the bathroom. "Ash's calling. I'm on the balcony, okay? If you need me or there's something wrong, just yell. I won't be long", Josh said. "Okay Joshie, love you", Tyler answered. "Love you too, sweetie", Josh said and answered the call.

"Hey Ash!" Josh greeted his sister as he got off the bed and walked to the balcony. "Hey Josh! How are you doing? How's the wellness?" Ashley asked. Josh shut the door, but not fully, so that he could still hear Tyler call out for him if he needed him, and sat down.

"I'm great, it's really awesome here. Tyler and I didn't sleep that well last night, especially Tyler, so we've only had a few hours at the spa today, but we're planning on going back in an hour or so, we just had dinner not too long ago. How are you? How's Abi and Jordan?" Josh asked.

"I'm wonderful! And Abi and Jordan are too. I wish I was at the wellness center, I could reaaaally use it", she joked. Josh let out a laugh. "I'll buy it for you as a birthday present", he said. Ashley laughed. "You don't have to, J. By the way, is Tyler okay? Since you said he didn't sleep well last night?" She asked a bit worried.

"Yeah yeah he's fine, really. He just needs constant validation and reassurance, he's really scared that I'm just gonna leave him, or leave him somewhere, and then he would've lost me, and he wouldn't know where to go or how to get home since he can't see where he is and he isn't using his blind stick in here", Josh told her. "So he was really upset last night and he woke me up because of it, and I got him some water and cuddled him on the couch and stuff, sang to him, told him I'm not ever gonna leave him, and now he's okay again", Josh explained.

"Poor Tyler... You do give him that constant validation and reassurance, do you?" She asked in a warning tone.

"Of course I do, Ash. Every minute of the day if that's what he needs. I wouldn't dare to tell him differently. One moment he's so sure and confident and he's convinced I'm always gonna be there for him and be with him, and the second after, his insecurities get the best of him and he thinks he's annoying and he's not good enough, stuff like that. But I'm gonna make sure to tell him otherwise every time he thinks badly of himself. Another thing he does, or I do - we both do it, just depends on who's first to do so - is telling each other that we love each other after every conversation. Doesn't matter how casual it is. Like just now: I told Tyler I'd be on the balcony 'cause you were calling, and he told me it was okay and that he loved me. He always does that, and I always do that too. It just feels right... Maybe it sounds weird to others, that we tell each other so often that we love each other. It just... It feels good and it feels right and it gives us both the reassurance that we need to not let the insecurities get the best of us, y'know?" Josh sighed deeply. "Sorry, talking too much", he added.

"You're never talking too much, Josh. I haven't heard your voice in years, it's good to hear it. Especially when it's about Tyler", she added, causing Josh to let out a laugh. "Anyways, you and Tyler are the sweetest boyfriends I've ever met. Literally. I've had lots of friends who were in lots of relationships with lots of people, but I never met something as cute and adorable and especially caring, like your relationship with Tyler. I feel really sorry for Tyler that his insecurities get so loud, but I'm sure that you and him will get each other through it, one hundred percent", she said. Josh smiled.

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