Chapter 1: Inner.

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Woohoo! New fanfic! This is my third fanfic and I am SOOOO excited for this. I've had this idea for almost a year now. I am so ready!


Tyler Joseph was walking back home. He was holding a bag of groceries in one hand, and his blind stick in the other.

He was twenty three years old, and has always been blind.

'Cause he was born blind. And Tyler didn't know any better than being blind. He had no problem with it at all.

Because he never lost anything.

He didn't lose his sight. He just simply never had it.

He was curious, though. How would it be like to actually be able to see?

What does the world look like?

He knows what it feels like. What it sounds and tastes and smells like. His touch is very sensitive. Just like his hearing, his taste and his smell.

His hearing was probably the best. He can hear a lot. He can hear, by tapping on the ground, how close a certain object is. He can hear every little footstep or small breath or scratch. He can hear everything.

But he can't see.

He can feel everything as well. He can sketch an image in his head of something or someone he touches.

At least, he thinks he sketches an image. 'Cause what does sketching look like to people who can see?

Tyler is the most curious about colors. He wished he could see colors. He knows there are a lot of colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink. And a lot of colors in between, like teal or turquoise or violet. 

He knows them.

He can't see them.

He has no idea what to imagine.

He wonders if vision is really necessary.

Why do you need to see when you can hear and smell and feel and taste this good?

They say that you can't do those things this good if you're not blind. Tyler doesn't really understand how that's possible. Isn't it normal to hear this much? Or feel this good?

He doesn't know.

He really doesn't know.

And eventually, he has to put those thoughts away, 'cause it's gonna drive him crazy.

Questions drive him crazy. Questions he doesn't have the answer to. The fact that he doesn't know what it'll feel like to be able to see, doesn't drive him crazy.

One thing Tyler really enjoyed was reading, but what he enjoyed even more was music. He loved music. He always told himself he was lucky that he was blind and not deaf. 'Cause if he was deaf, he wouldn't have music to help him through a lot of shit in life.

He was thankful that music existed and he was thankful he could hear it.

His best friend helped him to shop for clothes. Tyler told him about certain bands of artists he liked, and his best friend would choose a shirt for him he liked best. Not only online shopping, but they also went to stores. He created a certain clothing style for Tyler. He always wore skinny jeans. Sometimes they're ripped, sometimes they're not. He had black ones, dark blue ones, a gray one and faux leather-ish ones.

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