If you're going to the show

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Hey guys! I'll update this fic soon, I promise, but I really need to address something.

If you're going to the show, or any twenty one pilots show in the future, please, PLEASE do NOT climb over, under fences or whatever to get to the tour busses.

Please. Don't. Do. That.

Also don't ignore security. Listen to he security in the venue and also when they tell you you can't pass.

Don't try to get to Tyler and Josh if you're not allowed!! Please.

You're only harassing Tyler and Josh by doing this. It might seem exciting and cool to be able to say "yeah I trespassed and managed to see Tyler & Josh or meet Tyler and Josh"

Believe me, it's not cool. The only thing you're doing is leaving a bad impression with Tyler and Josh. They'll feel uncomfortable because they thought that there wouldn't be any fans in those areas.

See it as sitting in your house or apartment, and suddenly there's a complete stranger in your backyard or on your balcony screaming your name and trying to get into the house to get to you.

Would you be comfortable? Nope. You'd probably be scared as hell. Tyler and Josh don't feel this differently.

Don't do this. Please.

I heard that people climbed over the fences to get to the tour busses last night and I just kinda needed to say something about it.


Please, please keep in mind that without a meet and greet, you're not gonna meet Tyler and Josh. This sounds mean and stupid of me to say, but I just want you to not get your hopes up and I don't want you to end up doing things you're not allowed to & get in trouble in the hopes you can meet them!!

People have waited at artist entrances at venues and next to their tour busses, but Josh and Tyler didn't go up to them. They immediately went into their busses.

Don't be disappointed if you insist on waiting and this happens, 'cause it most likely will.

If you really want to meet them, try to win a meet and greet! Or maybe you're lucky enough to meet them on the streets.

Also, last thing: Don't stalk them.

I remember people followed them into the woods at Josh's birthday and Tyler and Josh were scared that they'd found them.

There also was a girl on her bike & saw Josh on his bike and she started following him and yelling his name and he cycled back to the tour bus as quick as he could and immediately got into the bus.

So please. Please. Do not do those things. It doesn't do anything good.

I love you all & stay safe. I'm so happy if you're able to go to one of the new ERS dates! 💕


Also I'm probably not gonna see Tyler and Josh in a whole year & I don't know how that's gonna turn out, 'cause usually every time I started to feel bad, they came at the exact right moment with a show and I wouldn't relapse soooo lets see how this goes.

Ever since I saw them for the first time in 2014, there hasn't been a year where I haven't seen them live (2x 2014, 2x 2015, 4x 2016)

I hope I can see them somewhere this year here in Europe, but I doubt it.

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