Feeling better

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(Yesterday's chapter| February 13th 2018)
Jake's POV
Today I woke up and I had to pee, but I remembered that my crutch was across the room.
J: Psst. Rik?
E: Hmm
J: Can you help me go to my crutch?
E: Sure.
Erika got up and took jakes hand and pulled him up.
E: Ok... can you apply pressure to it?
J: I'll try.
Jake puts his foot down and didn't feel anything.
J: It's starting to feel better!
E: Good! Now, go over to your crutch, I'll walk with you in case you need help.
J: ** Erika is such a great girlfriend, she reminds me of the nurse in Ferris Bulers day off(the video at the top)**
J: Thanks babe.
Jake got over to his crutch easily and went downstairs for the first time in 3 days. Erika and him cuddled for the whole day and watched movies. At around 10:00 pm, they got tired and went to bed.
Hey guys!!! Next chapter comes out soon!!

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