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The girls and I were quiet for several minutes, until Emily decided to speak up.

"Why don't we have a sleepover?" She suggested

"Yeah, that sounds great" Lily agrees

"It wouldn't hurt" Chloe nodded in agreement

"You don't have to ask us twice" Kelsey and April say in unison

Then they looked at me.

"Ok, but where will we have it?" I ask

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the Glitter Force" says a deepish voice

I jump and question where the voice came from.

"Brute!" my friends say to a red ogre floating in the sky

(A/N: No seriously, how does that work)

'How is that ogre looking thing floating' I thought

"Since when are there six Glitter Force members?" the ogre named Brute questions

After he said that, we all just went silent and questioning what he just said.

Time Skip

Somehow, I'm on my hands and knees saying negative stuff.

I hear voices of girls saying stuff, but I feel depressed to even look up, to see who it was.

After some time had passed, I started to think and feel more positive. I didn't dare mention the words Glitter Force to my friends because I felt like that they would just avoid the topic.

So after I stand up and stretch, we talk about who's place we were going to stay at. After a lengthy debate, we decided that we would have it my place.

So we texted our parents about the sleepover to see if it was ok, and they all said it was ok with them.

So we went to each of my friends places to gather the essentials needed for the sleepover.

When we got back to my place, let's just say my sisters weren't pleased at all. So they decided that they want to stay at a friends place too.

Highly doubt it.

"Since when did you three get friends?" I asked

"Since...uh...yesterday" Rachel stammers


"No were not!"

"Yes you are"

"Nah, uh"

"Really? What are their names?"

Rachel freezes when I ask that question.

"See, you're a terrible liar?"

"I have so much hate towards you that I can't describe it"

"Love ya too" I respond with sarcasm

Time Skip

So the girls and I are just talking about random stuff, when low and behold, mum had to come and tell us to go to bed.

So we did and it was the best sleepover I had ever had in a long while.

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