Swallow Your Pride || Peter Hale

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Would u mind doing a Peter Hale x Reader with Naked by James Arthur, with a fluff ending??

Tumblr anon:Would u mind doing a Peter Hale x Reader with Naked by James Arthur, with a fluff ending??

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The McCall house was not one you considered home. Of course, you spent plenty of time in it and it was nearly a home away from home, but it was not your home. Your home remained with Peter but that was not a place you were going to be. And, hell, he wasn't going to leave. He made that all well and clear the night before when you were fighting, again. He was sloppy with his words and rude and mean and vicious. You wanted to scream at him for him to leave, for him to come back when he stopped playing some poor victim but what was the point? He wasn't going to. He never listened to you so you packed your bags, yet again, and you left. However, this time, you had no intention on coming back. He needed to love himself or at least like himself. Something. He needed to do something because you deserved better.

You were always back by now but you still sat in the McCall home, Scott and Malia happily seated in the living room with you. Of course, there had to be an obnoxiously loud knock on the door to interrupt the movie Malia had picked.

Scott gets up and heads for the door, leaving you and Malia but you two look over the couch to see Scott shake his head.

"I know they're here, McCall, just let me in." Peter's voice is exasperated and you roll your eyes.

"Sorry, Peter." Scott says.

"Come on. I want them home." Peter sighs.

"Y/n doesn't want to go home right now. Did you try calling?"

"No, of course not. I figured coming all the way here instead of using a phone would be easier. Seriously?" Peter's sarcasm hits your ears and you can't help but scoff.

You get up and Malia catches your wrist. "It's fine." You shake your head and she lets you go. "What?" You question as you stand beside Scott.

"Can you?" Peter looks to you and then to Scott, his eyes wide and filled with annoyance.

"It's fine, Scott." You reassure and move past Scott and outside. Scott shakes his head but allows you to talk alone outside, shutting the door to give you a little privacy. "What are you doing here?"

"You're always home by now." Peter states.

"Mhm." You nod.

"So, I came to bring you home." Peter says, his voice now holding annoyance with you.

"I'm not coming home, Peter." You cross your arms over your chest.

"Seriously? It was a stupid fight. It's what we do."

"Yeah, Peter. We fight. We fight all the damn time because you can't get your fucking head out of your ass for more than five minutes."

"What the hell did I do, huh? I give you everything-"

You let out a loud laugh at his words, cutting him. "I'm sorry, everything?" You watch him in disbelief.

"Yes. Look at our house, the cars, clothes. I give you everything and you act like it means nothing."

"Oh my god." You throw your hands in the air. "You're ridiculous!" You run a hand through your hair as your blood boils. "I don't give two shit about materialistic bullshit and by the way, just for the record, I help pay for the house and the clothes."

"Then what the fuck is your problem? We run in circles and you never tell me!" Peter raises his voice, gesturing his hands out.

"I never tell you anything? You've got to be shitting me! I sit here and I tell you everything, exactly what's going on and you can't give me anything. I lay out everything. Everything. I give myself to you. I, god, Peter. I fucking give you every single piece of me and I tell you exactly how I feel about you and you can't even stop for a second to think about it. You're too busy playing some victim! You had a shit life, you did, okay? But, it's time you swallow your damn pride and start communicating with me."

"I do tell you everything." Peter grits his teeth.

"Yeah?" You challenge. "Why do you want me home?"

"Because it's where you should be." Peter says without hesitation.


"It's where you fucking live, why do you think?"

You scoff, shaking your head as you look to the ground. "Yeah, that's what I thought."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I give you all that I can. But, you can't even tell me why you want me home." You shrug a shoulder, your heart hurting knowing you want to be home but it's not right and you deserve better. "You act like you don't need anyone and I can't be with someone like that. I can't do it anymore. I want someone who needs me, someone who can tell me they want me. You're not that person."

"I never said I didn't want you." Peter scoffs.

"But you never you said did." Your voice is laced in hurt and honesty. Silence consumes the two of you for what seems like minutes but was only a few seconds before you start again. "I'm done putting in effort, waiting for you to figure yourself out and swallow your pride. Call me when you realize what people mean to you."

You shake your head and turn on your heels, reaching for the door handle but Peter grabs your wrist, stopping you.

"Please, come home." He says, but his voice isn't pleading, just sad.

"So we can continue this roundabout?"

Peter grits his teeth and shakes his head. "I do need you." He says and your hand drops from the handle of the door as your eyes widen. "I don't say it because, that's not what I do." He shrugs. "Good things come into my life and then something happens to them so I don't tell you. It's not fair. I'm sorry. But, you're wrong because I do need  you and I know I do."

"Peter, I just," You sigh, releasing the door handle. "I need to know you're not just saying it to get me home." You scrunch your nose with uncertainty.

"I'll try harder. Tell me you need me to tell you shit, alright?" Peter steps closer and cups your face. "Tell me when you want to me talk and god, if you want me to tell you shit about my childhood or whatever, fine. I won't like it and I can't promise I'll try and avoid it but if you need me to tell you that I need you every day, I'll do it. You just gotta help me get there. This whole, loving people thing, it's new and I need some help. Your help."

The sides of your mouth tug up with Peter's words, just enough to even be considered a smile. Peter's face softens as his eyes scan you over. You close the distance between you, connecting your lips with his. Your unexpected movement caused Peter to tense but smile against your lips.

"You said you love me." You whisper against his mouth.

"I did." Peter says, nodding his head.

"First time and you said you needed me. How can I not come home after that?" You giggle, kissing him once more as his arms wrap around your waist.

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