Lacrosse with Liam

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"Haaa!" You yell as the ball hits the net.

"I let you score!" Liam says as he catches up to you.

"Bull!" You tap him with the end of your stick.

"Fine! Let's go again!" Liam says as he grabs the ball. The two of you go to center field and he places the ball in the middle. You get into position, close to the ground. "Ready?" Liam smirks.

"I think the question is, are you ready?" You smirk back.

"Shut up. 1...2...3!" Liam yells as you push against each other in attempt to get the ball.

You're able to get the ball first and start running towards your goal. Liam comes from behind you and pushes you but not enough to make you fall. You never played rough when you didn't have your pads on.

"Bam!" You yell as you throw the ball into the net. You turn to Liam and give him a cokcy grin. "Let me score, huh?"

"You got lucky!"

"Defensive! Upset you got beat by a girl?" You walk past him and flip your hair.

"Again!" "Fine, I'll beat you all day." You laugh as you continue to center field.

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