Day Out With The Guys

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"Who are we seeing again?" Liam asks as you stand in line at the small venue.

"The Story So Far." You say with excitement. They were one of your favorite bands & they were local which made it even better.

"Riiigghhttt." Liam says with a nod.

"Gonna go in a pit, y/n?" Stiles questions with sarcasm.

"Ha, no. I'll die." You laugh. You've always wanted to mosh but you knew you'd get punched in the face.

"How about crowd surfing?" Scott asks with smirk.

"I am not putting my life in the hands of strangers." You laugh loudly. "And the venue is way too small. People who crowd surf here are crazy."

"Yeah, yeah." Scott rolls his eyes with a smile.


The wait wasn't very long & soon enough you were in the venue. It was an all standing venue with no barricade by the stage. You & the guys got up right by the stage so you would have no problems seeing.

The first band comes on & you, Scott, & Stiles sing loudly while Liam nods his head, clearly enjoying the music. He was just getting into the pop punk scene & you were more than happy to drag him to every show you could.

After 5 songs, it was time for TSSF. They started with Empty Space which was one of their biggest. The crowd was completely insane so Scott moved himself behind you so you wouldn't get hit by crowd surfers or the mosh pits that were forming behind you.

A few songs in & they slowed it down with Clairvoyant. It was one of your favorite songs.
After a few more songs, the show was over & you & the guys made your way out of the venue.

"What'd you think?" You yell a little at Liam.

"It was great but I can't hear." He yells as he points to his ears causing you, Scott, & Stiles to laugh.

"How's your chest?"

"Dude. My heart is still beating like crazy."

"Isn't it the best?!" You say with pure excitement. You loved the lasting feeling of the kick drum in your chest.

"Alright concert junkie, chill." Stiles laughs as he puts his hands on your shoulders from behind.

"Concert days are the best though; especially with you guys." You giggle as Stiles leads you to the jeep.   

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