🎄Drink Up || Peter Hale x Reader

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Winter/Holiday prompt:
18: "Wanna get shit-faced instead?"


"Ugh." You groan and fall back on the couch, your head resting in Peter's lap. Your eyes fall shut with an aching pain behind your eyes. You groaned again, looking up at Peter who only held a soft smirk but didn't look down to you. "When I groan, you're supposed to ask what's wrong."

"Oh, right." Peter chuckles, looking down to you and then back to the TV.

"Are you kidding me?" Your voice rises, showing you were offended.

Peter simply snickers as he licks his lips. "What's got your panties in a bunch now, darling?"

You send him a glare but it's followed with a sigh. "There's so much to do." You whine.

"Like?" Peter inquires.

"Like, like, I still haven't finished Christmas shopping for everyone, I have to buy stuff for dinner, I have presents to still wrap, cookies to bake-"

Peter bends his torso and pulls your mouth to his. "Got it. A lot." He says into your mouth.

"There's so much to do."

"Wanna get shit-faced instead?" He quirks a brow.

"Peter!" You scold.

"What?" He says as he releases your face and moves you from his lap so he can get up. "Look, you have to get shit done regardless and you're stressed, might as well do it drunk and have a little fun." He rambles as he goes to the liquor cabinet.

"Getting drunk isn't going to help me get anything done faster." You roll your eyes as you sit up.

"No, but it'll make it fun and you won't be complaining." Peter gives you a smirk before handing you a glass of whiskey. "Drink up, buttercup."

You look in your glass, let out a sigh, and shrug one shoulder. "Fuck it."


gif credit: https://luke-vaughn.tumblr.com/post/157372487860/come-and-sit-on-my-lap-arousal-rushing

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