Jealousy || Stiles Stilinski x Reader

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You smiled to yourself as you parked your car outside of the Stilinski home

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You smiled to yourself as you parked your car outside of the Stilinski home. Stiles promised to help you study for the history test as he normally did when there was a big test. He always left the door unlocked for you so you simply walked inside, your backpack clinging to you as you made your way to his room. Stiles was sitting at his desk, his head buried in a book.

"Hello, boyfriend." You smiled as you walked up from behind him and wrapped your arms around him. He placed his hands over your arms and unhooked them, turning around to face you. His normal cheerful and loving gaze was now annoyed and disappointed. "What's up?" You furrow your brows as you watch him.

"Really?" He asks, standing up, careful not to even brush against you.

"Uh, yeah?" You watch him as he walks to his bed, but just stands beside it and turns to you.

"You kissed Scott."

"I what?" You yell at the absurd accusation.

"Lydia told me. She saw you." Stiles gestures his hand out to you as his face contorts with disgust and betrayal.

"Well, she's lying! Why would I kiss Scott? You're my boyfriend."

"Why would Lydia lie about it?" Stiles challenges.

"Because she likes you? I don't know. Why don't you ask her?"

"She wouldn't lie about something like that, y/n." Stiles runs a hand through his hair.

"You've got to be fucking with me. We're really doing this again?" You scoff at the number of times Stiles has taken Lydia's side over yours.

He swears he's no longer interested in her but he always takes her side. Of course, you understand to an extent, they went through a lot together when he came to nogitsune. You weren't around for it seeing as you transferred months later but you heard the stories. You understand the two are important to each other, however, that's not excuse for him to constantly take her side.

"Doing what again?" Stiles questions.

"You know what," You let out a sigh and shake your head. "Call me when you get your head out of Lydia's ass." You turn on your heels and exit his room, slamming the door behind you.

You were offended and hurt that he would ever think you'd cheat on him, especially with his best friend. You weren't a cheater and you couldn't stand those that did cheat. It was disgusting, degrading, and dehumanizing. But, it just really got your blood boiled that now Scott was being dragged into the drama. Did Stiles really think Scott would just let you kiss him? Scott is his best friend and yeah, you heard the story of him kissing Lydia way back when but both boys said it was just the full moon, Scott's first full moon as a werewolf. He didn't really know what the hell he was doing. Scott's an alpha now, he can control himself and he'd never fuck over his best friend, especially like that.

You made your way to the car and once your phone was connected, you called Scott. Scott answered just as you were pulling away from the curb outside of Stiles's house. "Scott, have you talk to Stiles?" Your voice rings with annoyance.

"Not since school let out, why?"

"Lydia told him I kissed you and I'll give you one guess as to who he believes." You roll your eyes.

"Seriously?" Scott sighs. "Do you know why she would lie about that?"

"Dude, I don't know. I just know she did. I'm guessing she likes him, she's lonely. Her and Parrish just broke up. The list could go on."

"Alright," Scott groans. "I'll talk to Stiles and then I'll talk to Lydia. He really thinks we'd do that to him?"

"Apparently so. Told him to call me when he got his head out of Lydia's ass and he didn't try to stop me when I left so."

"I'll head over in a bit. Just, give him space, y/n." Scott's voice remains calm.

"Already planning on it." You hang up the phone and head to your home.

Your night went by excruciatingly slow. Stiles was on your mind the entire time. You were pissed as hell at him but also incredibly hurt. You loved him dearly and you hated fighting with him. You hated not speaking and you hated him upset with you. Everything in your body wanted to call and see if you could try and talk it out but you also talked yourself out of it. Stiles wouldn't answer and if, on the off chance, he did, it'd likely spark an argument again. It was best to just wait until the next day at school when you knew Scott had had time to talk to Stiles. So, you cleaned up our books and prepared everything for the next day and went to bed.

When you woke up, you got ready for school and only grabbed a PopTart for breakfast. Your parents wished you a good day before you headed to school. You parked in your normal parking spot despite it being the one right beside Stiles. His jeep was already there and Scott's motorcycle was parked on the other side. For two people who weren't fans of school, they got to school awfully early.

You grabbed your things and made your way to your locker but as your locker came into view, Stiles was leaning against it, scrolling through his phone. You quirked a brow at the sight but continued walking. He immediately readjusted himself and shoved the phone into his back pocket when you approached him. No words were spoken until you opened your locker.

"Hey, y/n." Stiles says, his voice soft and holding guilt.

"Uh, hey." You say, still unhappy with the previous day's events.

"Scott talked to me." Stiles starts fiddling with his fingers as he avoids looking at you.

"And what did Scott have to say?" You shut your locker and lean against it, your voice hinting you already knew exactly what Scott told him and an apology was coming your way.

"That Lydia lied."

"Yep." You pop the 'p' and cross your arms.

"I'm really sorry I didn't believe you." Stiles stops fiddling with his fingers and makes eye contact with you. "Really, I am."

"Okay, cool story. But, uh, right, you thought I cheated on with your best friend just because Lydia said so. I deserve more than an apology."

"I'll do anything. I-I-I don't know why I didn't believe you, I just," Stiles pauses and looks around. "I'm just, I'm afraid of losing you and so when she said that, I thought, maybe if it were true, I don't know."

"What?" You furrow your brows as you try to make sense of what he was telling you.

"I'm afraid I'm gonna be the one to fuck this up."

"So, you rather I do it? Stiles, you're not gonna fuck it up unless you keep siding with Lydia.I get you have shit between you and I don't care but this is ridiculous."

"I know." Stiles hangs his head. "Please," His head picks up just enough to look at you. "Just, one more chance. I promise, never again."

You sigh and stare at Stiles who was genuinely upset by the day before. You did understand his point of view. He always feared messing things up with the people he cared about. He hated letting anyone down but letting the people he cared about down was absolutely devastating to him. It's easier for him to think you're the one who will mess it up, even if he knows deep down it's not true. It's Stiles and you do love him more than anything.

"One more chance. But, if this happens again, we're done. For good."

"It won't, y/n. I promise." Stiles says, his face softening with relief.

"Okay," You give him a soft smile. "I forgive you."

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