🎄Tree Decorating || Stiles Stilinski x Reader

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Winter/holiday prompts:
3: "FINE. You can put the topper on the tree."
6: "Christmas doesn't have to be about family, ya know?"

Snow covered the DC area as you and Stiles sat inside your warm apartment, decorating the nearly ceiling-high green tree

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Snow covered the DC area as you and Stiles sat inside your warm apartment, decorating the nearly ceiling-high green tree. While Stiles was trying to be his normal sarcastic self, he did seem a bit off. His sarcastic remarks would fall short or he wouldn't laugh as hard as usual. He was trying to be in a cheery mood for the upcoming holiday but you could tell something was holding him back.

"You okay?" You ask, placing a silver bulb on one of the branches.

"Oh, yeah." Stiles nods, giving you a soft smile. "All good."

"You sure?" You quirk a brow, now fully facing him to him your undivided attention.

"Yeah, why?" Stiles hangs a blue Jolly Rancher candy cane on the tree.

"You don't seem okay." You purse your lips, watching his every move.

He lets out a sigh and runs a hand through his hair. "It's my first Christmas away from my dad."

"Ah," You nod as your heart weighs heavy, knowing how close the Stilinski men were.

"We never missed a holiday together, especially after my mom died." Stiles explains with a low voice.

"Christmas doesn't have to be about family, ya know?" You furrow your brows, lightly tilting your head to the side.

"But it always was to us and now I'm across the country." Stiles says, his eyes growing wide with guilt.

"Yeah," You give him an understanding nod. "But, you're out here because this is your career. Your dad gets that and you two are gonna Skype and it's one Christmas. Just one."

"Yeah," Stiles looks away from you frowning. "But," His shoulders shrug as he picks at his fingertips. "Sometimes, you don't get another Christmas."

You moved closer to Stiles and wrapped your arms around him to embrace him in a warm hug. "Look," You pulled away, your hands cupping his face. "I will try and pull money together and see what I can do and I'm gonna call your dad and we're gonna try and get him out here, okay?"

"What? Really?"

"Yeah! If it means that much to you, which I know it does, then I will ditch class and work for the next week to drive to Beacon Hills myself, kidnap your dad, and bring him back here for you. As long as you promise to bail me out of jail after I get arrested for kidnapping."

Stiles chuckled, placing his hands on top of yours before bringing you in for a soft kiss. "Thank you." He nodded against you with sincerity in his husky voice.

"Anytime, Stilinski." You smiled against him, kissing once more before pulling away. "So," Your eyes moved to the top of the tree. "What about the tree topper?" You smirked as you pointed to the top. You and Stiles had gone back and forth about who would be allowed to put the star on top of the tree and it always just ended with you two in a fit of laughter but neither one willing to cave.

"FINE. You can put the topper on the tree." Stiles groans before letting out an adorable laugh. "But only because you're willing to get arrested for me."

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