OCD || Theo Raeken x Reader

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Theo's alarmed chimed beside his head, waking him from his deep sleep

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Theo's alarmed chimed beside his head, waking him from his deep sleep. He groaned, reaching for his phone off the nightstand and shutting it off. He laid in bed, scrolling through his messages, ignoring them all before moving onto check his Snapchat and Instagram notifications, clearing them all as he did every morning, in the exact same order.

He locked his phone and got out of bed, stretching before heading off to the kitchen. He brewed his coffee and searched through his cabinets and then the fridge for food. After deciding he'd settle for a bowl of cereal, he headed to the bathroom, pulling his normal routine, finishing with brushing his teeth.

Wet the brush. Toothpaste. Wet the brush. Brush teeth to just the right time. Tongue. Spit. Rinse, three times.

He made his way back to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl, the one below the first one. He grabbed a spoon and the milk from the fridge as a well as the box of Frosted Flakes. He poured in the cereal until just right time and then added milk, stopping once the milk was visible with the flakes. He placed the spoon in the bowl and moved to the living room, turning on the episode of Hell's Kitchen that was on the night prior, same routine.

After the episode had finished, he got up and rinsed his bowl before heading to his room and changing from his pajamas into actual clothes. By the time he was done, it was about time for him to leave. He was picking you up for lunch and would be spending the rest of the day with you which excited him but also made him a bit nervous.

You were coming over for the first time and he did weird things. He knew they were weird and unusual but he had to do them. He tried not to, he tried so hard when people were around, but the second they'd turn their backs, he'd do whatever his brain was telling him. He'd redo the lock quickly, move something to the left, switch out silverware after intentionally not using his so he'd not be putting a dirty fork back. Random things and he feared that people would think he was out of his damn mind if they saw him doing any of them and they were always worse when he was home.

He got into his truck and made his way to your home. You were ready and waiting for him. You saw him pull up and exited your house, locking the door behind you before making your way to his truck. You gave a quick smile as Theo reached over and opened the door you.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hey." You said, buckling your seatbelt.

"Ready?" He asked, just as he did every single time the two of you were about to leave somewhere.

"Mhm." You hummed, the smile not budging.

The drive to the restaurant was uneventful and you found yourself observing Theo a little more during lunch, not to be rude of course. You were just still getting to know him and everyone has tiny ticks they do you and you were intrigued to find out Theo's. You hadn't noticed anything, however. He didn't pick at his nails or chew his lip, his fingertips only tapped the table with nerves but that was it. It came as a surprise but you found it interesting.

On the drive to Theo's you found yourself growing nervous. You were just watching a movie and that was it, which you made clear and when you did, Theo chuckled and nodded with an 'of course'. But, nonetheless, anxiety flooded your veins when he pulled into the parking lot of his apartment complex.

You entered his apartment and Theo watched you anxiously as he locked the door, moving the deadbolt twice before walking beside you. He hoped you wouldn't move some things. That was his fear. You would move something and something would go terribly wrong or he'd have to fix it and seem totally mental. But, that was the furthest thing from your mind.

The only thing on your mind was how his apartment seemed to be fairly well kept. There were a few things out of order but it wasn't messy or dirty. It simply looked like he lived there. It was comfortable and quite calming. You liked the atmosphere his apartment held.

"What do you want to watch? It's up to you." Theo suggests as you make your way into his living room.

"It doesn't matter." You give a soft smile as you take a seat on the couch.

"Are you sure?" Theo quirks a brow.

"Yeah," You shrug with a soft smile.

"Alright, well, I'll make some popcorn quick and I'll turn on a movie." Theo heads to the kitchen with this words allowing you to take in the rest of the living room.

Popcorn popped from the next room as you noticed a small piece of artwork hanging on the wall. It was on a slight tilt so you got up and started moving it so it'd be straight. Art and pictures hanging on walls should be up and down, not on a tilt. You thought you were just being nice, which you were, but you had no idea what you were doing actually made Theo's skin crawl, his bones itched, and anxiety pumped through his veins.

"What're you doing?" He asks, his voice remaining as calm as possible.

"Oh, your picture was crooked so I'm fixing it." You answer sweetly.

Theo bites his bottom lip, debating within himself to fix it back or to let it go but his anxiety was taking over. If he went and fixed it, he feared you'd think he was out of his mind. No one has crooked pictures, you were just being nice but it was already eating at his stomach. He wouldn't be able to get through five minutes of a movie, there was no way.

"Are you okay?" You quirk a brow as the popping of the popcorn in the kitchen starts to slow.

"Yeah," Theo nods, sighing in defeat as he moves next to you and moves the art back to how it was.

"Uh, what're you doing...?"

Theo swallows hard, avoiding eye contact as he heads back to the kitchen with the sound of the microwave. "I have this thing where I have to fix things."

"But it's crooked." You counter, no judgment in your voice.

"Yeah, I mean," Theo shrugs as he puts the popcorn into a bowl and comes back into the living, the two of you moving to the couch. "I mean I have to do things a certain way. Ya know," Theo beats around the subject, hating talking about it but it was now or never. "Like OCD."

"Oh." You say, looking to the painting and then Theo. "So, you just have to have it crooked?"

Theo runs a hand through his hair as he lets out a loud sigh. "Yeah, like, it sounds stupid and it is but my day went really well one day and when I came home, that painting was crooked so now I have to keep it that way."

"So, is that why you did the locks twice? I heard it." You give him an innocent smile.

"Yeah, that's a thing I have to do, too."

"Okay." You grab a handful of popcorn and turn your attention to the black TV screen. "What're we gonna watch?"

Theo's eyes widen as he smiles. He never told people about his OCD because he knows he sounds insane when even thinking about his compulsions but here you are, just okay with it. You don't care and it was like a two-ton weight had been lifted from his chest.

"Iron Man sound good?" Theo asks, turning the TV on.

"Sounds great." Your smile doesn't budge as you glance to him.

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