37. Believe in Yourself First

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For my beautiful best friend, Jess, this is for you. It was a song but I made it to poem format.


Honey, there are a lot

of spiteful people in the world,

who'll laugh when and or if

you should fall.

But don't let it get to you,

Let your lovin' heart be true,

And just go with flow

If at all.

Kiss your boy and tell him

all your secrets if you want,

But don't rely on him

for all your needs.

Love the world but it won't always

return the sincere favor.

Don't ever be dependent

For anything.

Believe in yourself and always,

always put you first.

Laugh at all your flaws

for real this time,

Or on your insecurities,

All the greedy pricks will feed.

So babe to all your troubles,

pay no mind.

Love you, I was just thinking of you lately c:

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