8. I'm Still Waiting

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A/N: not really a poem but I published it with this book anyway. Enjoy, comment, and vote!

Dedicated to @CasualMiah because I was reading through my older comments and saw hers on the last poem and her excitement made me smile. 

They don't see it because they keep their eyes closed, instead delighting in the happy pretty (unrealistic) scenes painted on the underside of their eyelids.

They don't see it because they choose lies and blissful ignorance over doing the right thing.

They don't see because they were taught to think positively even in the worst situations.

They can't see it because to them, nothing is even there.

You don't see it when I'm putting on an act, a brave face, my 'I'm fine' mask.

You don't notice that while I'm assuring you that, 'yes, I'm okay', inside I'm dying, praying that one day you'll actually look me in the eye and tell me, 'No, you're not.'

You can't see the way I try so hard to make you pleased. All I've ever wanted to hear you say is 'I'm proud of you.' I'm still waiting.

Vote for a girl who's never heard the words "I'm proud of you" from her parents. Whoo.

It's not the same when friends say it. It feels wonderful having parents say they are proud of you, even when you and said parents don't have the best relationship. It just is different.

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