4. What do I know? I'm just a kid.

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I wish that I was older,

So I couldn't be controlled

By angry, insensitive, blind adults.

I hate when I am told

That I'm too young to realize

The hardships they go through.

For me they say they do it,

But I know it's for them too.

Don't act like you always know better

Because that's not always the case.

I'm not blind. I can see

The mistakes you can't erase.

I'm not saying I know everything,

Though that's probably what you hear.

I just saying maybe

you should use your ears,

And hear the words that I've been speaking,

The ones you've been tuning out,

For what could an ignorant

stupid, young punk

Possibly know about?

When I say that, yeah, I know

Maybe it's 'cause I do.

When I say you never listen

Maybe my words are true.

They will probably never see

How hard I always strive

To be enough,

because they're too

Wrapped up in their busy lives.

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Dustin the Great

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