Chapter 17

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Harry woke up as the rays of light hit the sheer curtains that was doing a terrible job of blocking light out, but it did give him a beautiful view of Draco

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Harry woke up as the rays of light hit the sheer curtains that was doing a terrible job of blocking light out, but it did give him a beautiful view of Draco. Completely asleep, lips slightly parted, his long eyelashes shut and his breathing shallow but even. His pale white skin seemed to glisten in the sun and his blond hair looked like strings woven from pure silver, it strayed from where it usually was combed without a care in the world. It was gorgeous.

"Mm... will you stop staring at me, Potter?" Draco grumbled drowsily, Harry hadn't realise how closely he was peering into Draco's face. He could feel Draco's hot breath against his. His lips were barely centimeters from Harry's, oh how Harry wanted to close the gap.

"Yeah, sorry." Harry pulled away, making his way into the bathroom. Taking a nice hot shower, his thoughts began to rise away with the steam. Running his hands through his slick, wet hair, Harry begins to think new thoughts, answer the question he's been avoiding; did he like Draco? Maybe, he doesn't know - he never felt this way towards Ginny. Perhaps he should use the muggle 'I have this friend' approach to Hermione... but Hermione knows much too well that he has no other friends other than a handful that she knows too. Maybe the books will have answers, they always do!

Buttoning his shirt, he uses a charm to dry his hair. Peering out of the bathroom, he smiles as he watches Harco curl up on Draco's lap, receiving languid strokes that ruffled his feathers. His purrs were so loud; it was as if he was showing off. That brat, Harry had raised him on his back!

"Good morning." He smiled as he left the safety of the bathroom. Draco looked up, his hair dishevelled and flying absolutely everywhere. Nodding, Draco silently hands Harry Harco and shuts himself in the bathroom. Harry had never seen Draco as a night owl before, he always thought Draco was a very orderly person; like Hermione. Rather quite the opposite, it was quite amusing to watch him break out of the weird box that Harry had unintensionally put him in.

"Draco, I'm going to the Great Hall first!" Silence. "I guess you're sittinf with Gryffindor today, Harco." Harry snorts, staring at the very displeased Griffon.

Draco was taking a cold shower as always. He puts some leave-in conditioner onto his hands before slicking his hair back. It was much better than gel and it smelled like chrysanthemums; his favourite tea. He didn't care whether it was feminine or not, his hair felt nice and tea was soothing. Leaving the toilet, he sighed as he stared at the messy beds. Taking out his wand from behind the pillow, he swirled it back and forth as he mouthed a silent charm. The items began to float and rearranged itself neatly back onto the bed.

Putting on his robe, he neatly pins his tie with the Slytherin badge. The silver added a nice pop to the grey and green tie. Grabbing his new book, he embarks on a new day with a nicely settled hair.

"Hm? Where's Harco?" Blaise grumbled drowsily as he stares at Draco empty-handed - besides the book of course. Blaise was in his boxers and nothing else, it was rather displeasing to see if Draco hadn't already grown accustomed to it.

"With Harry, he's with the Gryffindors today." Draco shrugged. "Hurry and get changed."

"Don't you mean he's with the Griffondors?" Blaise snorts tiredly.

"Do I have to repeat myself?" "OoooOoO, Malfoy's getting craaaaankyy." "Don't tell me... you're hungover?" "Maybe..." "You played Snakes and Ladder- a bloody family board game! Why did you drink?" "I dunno." "Just go."

Draco grumbled, slumping against the arm rest chair as he watch Blaise defeatedly trudge back into his room. Barely five minutes later, a wrongly-buttoned shirt came into view.

"Let's go." "Ohhhh no you don't, look at you! Do I have to mother you like Harco too?" Draco grumbles, unbuttoning Blaise's shirt. Out of the blue, Blaise tucks a strand of stray hair behind Draco's ear. "You smell nice." He whispered. All of a sudden, the door swung open to reveal a wide-eyed Harry.

"Harry, sit down. This isn't what it looks like." Draco growls just as Blaise swings his arms over Draco's shoulder protectively.

"Is loverboy jealous?" Blaise smiled slyly as he presses his cheek against Draco's. His sun kissed skin starkly contrasting Draco's translucent white skin. Harry was mad, he gritted his teeth but managed to muster a smile.

"It's okay, Draco doesn't swing that way." Harry said with an unusually strained voice, as if trying to convince himself too.

"Yes! I don't-" "Is that what he tells you? Aww Draco, you don't have to be in the closet." Blaise begins to roam his hands over Draco's back. Angrily, Draco shoved Blaise into a chair, his eyes darkened with fury.

"Fuck you." Draco said with such intensity that even Harry shuddered in fear. Blaise's eyes widened as he realised that Draco was serious. Immediately, Draco became a dark mist and flew straight out of the window before anyone could do anything. Jumping out of his seat, Blaise nearly fell over the window ledge but caught himself on time.

"Shit. Shit. I fucked up, Potter. I fucked up. He's going to do something stupid, I swear to Merlin-!" Blaise ran towards the window, eyes frantically searching for the random black cloud whizzing over the Forbidden forest.

Potter stared wide-eyed at Harco. "Harco, I know you understand me. You know Draco's scent right?" A reluctant nod was given by Harco and Blaise just stared in amazement. "Can you fly towards him and stun him or something?" Nodding, Harco jumps out of Harry's arms and flew out of the window.

"What are you going to do now, Potter?" Blaise gulped, watching as Harry grabbed a broom.

"What else can I do? Follow." Harry grumbled, climbing onto the broom before whizzing off.

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