Chapter 6

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Harry felt better, he didn't forget but he got over it surprisingly

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Harry felt better, he didn't forget but he got over it surprisingly. He slept the earliest in his dorm and got teased by Neville of all people since they were going to settle for a game of muggle poker for their assignment that weekend. Ron and Neville had been learning how to play it for days, it wasn't as easy as they had hoped. Their assignment? To introduce a muggle trend into the wizardry world and of all things, they chose gambling. They invited Harry to play that night but honestly, Harry wasn't in the mood for it.

Good choice, he felt completely refreshed. That morning in the great hall, they were serving croissants, eggs, baked beans, toast, sausages, pumpkin juice, orange juice, kettel corn and some salad. Sitting down next to Hermoine who was busy talking to Luna, he began to fill his plate.

"Harry, you should've played poker with us last night. I won Neville's prized toad, but of course I gave Trevor back to him, he wouldn't stop bugging me about it. I also won another prize, Neville has to make me a potion for me whenever I tell him to." Ron proudly boasts.

"That sounds fun, I'll join you guys in the next round." Harry smiled. Hermione finally finished her conversation with Luna and turned to the guys who were already chatting.

"Hello, Harry. Ron. How was your sleep last night?" Hermione greeted politely as the two blokes turned to her.

"Harry slept early last night, what a wuss." Ron chuckled as he patted Harry on the back roughly.

"I said I wasn't feeling well." Harry retorted defensively. At the corner of his eye, Harry watches as the platinum blond Draco struts into the dining hall with Greg and Blaise, surprisingly avoiding Pansy who sat at the front of the Slytherin table for the first time in ages.

"What's with them?" Hermione nudged Harry as she pointed at Greg and Blaise who were clearly glaring at Pansy. "That's quite rude."

"Come on, Hermione. You'd do the same if someone who was close to me- say for example, Ron called me a fraud. You'd certainly be mad." Harry shrugged as he cut up his sausage. Hermione sighed, feeling quite bad for Pansy but considering what she did yesterday, it was quite reasonable for Blaise and Greg to give her the cold shoulder.

"I'd be fuming." Hermione added softly as she sipped her orange juice. Harry didn't hear Hermione because he was too distracted by how hurt Draco looked, he looked better than last night but he still glanced at Pansy occasionally. Did he by any chance have feelings for her? Look at the way he looks at her, he obviously does.

"But he's way too good for her." Harry suddenly muttered.

"Who?" Ron turned to Harry confusedly.

"Who indeed, Harry." Luna poked her head out from beside Hermione.

"Harry, I thought you were feeling better than yesterday." Hermione's eyebrows furrowed lightly, but still enough to notice her slight frown.

"I am, I think. I mean I was sure I was back to normal this morning." Harry sighed.

"Do you want to go to Mrs Pomfrey?" Ginny asks. Harry turned to Ginny, they dated during the war and for a while after but it was short lived.

"No, I don't, I'll be fine I promise." Harry smiled awkwardly, still focused on Draco. His eye locked on Draco, not for a second or two but a whole ten seconds but for some reason he couldn't pull away, everybody's voices just turned to white nose as he stared at the blond's silver eyes.

Breaking the gaze first, Draco look away of sheer embarrassment. He hadn't realise Harry was looking at him as well. He was trying to decipher what Harry was talking about to his precious ex. He wondered if last night's dream was a joint dream, or a prophecy dream which was much worse. Why did Harry turn into gold flakes? It simply didn't add up. But everything else in the dream had happened. What does it all mean?

"I'm going to the library, I forgot to do my transfiguration homework again. Mrs McGonagall would butcher me if I don't finish my essay today." Draco sighed, getting up from his seat.

"The ever so diligent working Draco forgetting Mrs McGonagall's homework? I don't think so." Greg raised an eyebrow.

"Just pretend I did then, you git." Draco gritted his teeth before leaving the table. Blaise followed quickly after.

Harry just sort of stared into space after that. What was Draco talking about? Why did he leave several seconds after they had just locked eyes? Was it a coincidence? Did he want Harry to follow him? What?

"Harry." Hermoine called out. "I'm looking for the charm you showed me the other day, can you please lend me the book?"

"Huh? Oh, it's in the library in the counter-charm section or the conjuring section. I showed you quite a few." Harry chuckled after he was pulled back into the conversation.

"Oh, we can go there and search for it."


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