Chapter 1

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"Blaise? What're you doing here?" Draco smiled slightly, it was nice to see a familiar face that wasn't going to avoid him as if he was the Basilisk itself

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"Blaise? What're you doing here?" Draco smiled slightly, it was nice to see a familiar face that wasn't going to avoid him as if he was the Basilisk itself.

"Waiting for you, you dumb twat. I heard from Pansy, you saw Potter before Charms? You told me you were in the forbidden forest." Blaise grumbled.

"Oh bloody Merlin, are you guys keeping tabs on me or something? Yeah, I was in the forbidden forest and bumped into Potter there, what's the big deal? We had a friendly talk, I think. But we didn't take out our wands or anything." Draco groaned. Was everyone stalking him or something?

"Draco, we're looking out for you. Do you really trust any of the Gryffindors? Especially Potter after his trial? He didn't even mention that you threw the wand to him, why would he care? Anything could be used against you in trial, Draco." Blaise stands up, angrily looming over Draco as he says this with a serious aura.

"It's over already, why do you and Pansy worry so much? Besides I can only be sent to Azkaban if I purposely hurt someone innocent with magic, like hexing." Draco rolled his eyes as he sat down, easily brushing it off.

"You, of all people are taking this so lightly, what happened, Draco?" Blaise grumbled, Draco was usually the most paranoid of them all. It seems like the roles have reversed here.

"I got into a fight with a Weasle-ly today, he brought up the war with ease. Treated me like I was a monster that needed to be contained. I'm getting sick of it I guess." Draco sighed, running his hands frustratedly through his hair. Blaise's face softened, he knows what Draco has been through. Since Blaise, Pansy and Draco were close friends, both Pansy and Draco had daddy issues since they were young and Blaise just somehow tagged along. But tagging along when Draco was around them both Pansy and Blaise had their fair share of being shunned as well.

"Draco, I know it's been tough on you. Anyways, you skipped breakfast and lunch again, want me to bring you some food?" Blaise asked warmly, genuinely worrying for Draco's health.

"Blaise? Are you feeling okay? You're being nice." Draco snorts as Blaise's eyebrows furrow.

"Fuck off, Draco." "Oh, and yes I want some food. I would like a sandwich please, that's all." Draco smirks his signature smile as Blaise responds with a sly smile. Blaise pretends to bow like a house elf before he walks off. Finally, Draco could return to his book.

"Malfoy?" A familiar feminine voice calls out. Looking up from his divination book, he meets eyes with a chestnut eyed Hermoine.

"Oh, Granger. Is this your seat?" Draco picks up his bags and begins to get up when he is stopped by Hermoine.

"No, I just wanted to apologise for what Ron said today." Hermoine cleared her throat as she looked away, as if embarrassed.

"Oh, it's really fine. I mean, I wouldn't expect him to be buddy-buddy with me after all that's happened, I suppose." Draco sighed, sitting back down into the velvety chair.

"Hermoine, there you are! Oh, Draco." Draco? Did Harry just call him by a first name basis? When did that happen? He wasn't aware. Turning to Harry, she does some kind of weird eyebrow movement before turning back to Draco.

"I have to give these books to Ron, they're muggle study books. I'll leave you two to talk then, I guess." Hermoine smiles sweetly before leaving. It was awkward, Harry rubbed his nape while Draco was all ears for the Boy Who Lived, waiting patiently so he can resume his reading.

"By the way, about Ron today-" "It's fine, Granger already apologised in his stead, Potter. But may I ask, when did we get into a first name basis?" He tilts his head as Potter stutters. Harry had hoped he didn't realise he called out to Draco by his first name, it was too casual, too different from their fights and honestly, using first names in fights don't sound as fun.

"I mean, I use your first name when talking about you- I mean I-" "Talk about me? Oh, do tell what about." Draco flutters his eyelashes jokingly, now resting his chin on the back of his hand as if listening to an interesting story. It was an interesting turn of events of course, the Golden boy talking about an ex-death eater behind his back. Somehow Draco felt like it would be rather funny things than bad things; he just couldn't imagine Harry badmouthing. Perhaps somewhere along the 7 years, he began to become more friendly with Potter. Taking a deep breath, Harry looks at Draco right in the eye, throwing Draco off a bit.

"I tell people to stop talking about you." Harry suddenly turns serious, his eyes filled with so much sincerity it was overwhelming. So overwhelming that Draco choked on his own spit, he didn't expect Harry to take it so seriously. Immediately as Draco begins to cough, Harry's face softened into a face of concern. "Oh my Merlin, are you okay?" Harry begins patting his back despite Draco trying to swat him away as he slowly falls off his chair.

"For Merlin's sake, Potter, must you be such a saint all the time?" Draco managed to muster a smile in between his vigorous coughing.

"Sorry, it's my Gryffindor ego." He chuckles, referencing a previous tease that Draco had said, making Draco chuckle too. Suddenly, Harry's hands rested pretty uncomfortably onto his shoulder, heat began to pool where Harry was touching. It was the first time anyone other than Blaise and a few teachers had touched him after the war.

"I'm fine now, please remove your very cozy hand, Potter." He awkwardly coughs.

"If it's cozy, let it stay there, Malfoy." Harry mocked him.

"What?" Draco raises an eyebrow and immediately, Harry takes his hand off Draco. He was genuinely confused at what Harry just said. Did he like touching Draco? What the fuck? Harry awkward shuffled, immediately holding his hands together in a tight ball formally as if he had just met the Queen of England.

"Did you just-" "No, I didn't say anything, Malfoy. What're you implying? Oh, look at the time. I must go now, ta ta." Harry runs off. A smile was plastered onto Draco like a fool, oh how fun it will be to tease Harry. Ta ta? No one even says that anymore. What a dork.

"Someone's happy. I just saw Potter run out like a little girl, did you get him good?" Blaise chuckleed, holding a small bag of supposed sandwiches.

"I didn't get him good this time, but I have something against him for next time." Draco snickers, a weird mixture between wheezing and soft laughing. He is trying his back to silence himself before Irma Prince comes to kick him out of the library, he didn't want to go to Mrs Pomfrey. Not today at least.

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