Chapter 31

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It was rather nice to be back, Draco noted

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It was rather nice to be back, Draco noted. It was calming, it didn't seem like he was... obsessing over something anymore even though it was fun at times to run to someone and be greeted with unconditional love and attention. Draco languidly stroked Harco's soft fur and gave him nice head scratches as he continues to read Romeo and Juliet. Though, he still found it absolutely ridiculous that someone would die for their lover because their lover died, he... sort of understands why they would now.

He was still amazingly mad at Pansy, what she did was unforgivable. It was just a repulsive thing she had put Draco through... though nightmares weren't part of the symptoms in the Love Potions which conflicted Draco quite a bit. It was the 3rd week of the month already, another week and their assignment was over. Somehow, that saddened Draco a bit.


"Blaise, did you know?" Greg angrily stormed into the room as his glare burned into Blaise's head. Calmly, Blaise look up from his book.

"Know what?" "That Pansy fucking poisoned Draco." "Yes." Blaise replied nonchalantly as he turned back to his book as if he didn't care about how mad Greg was. He really wasn't but he did care for Greg; just not as much for Blaise knew Greg valued his lovers over his friends now.

"She's getting suspended, are you not going to do anything?" Greg gasps, appalled by this behaviour.

"What?" Blaise frowned, his voice doing a complete 180 from being calm and gently to maliciously offended. His nose crinkled in disgust as he realises that Greg was in the same mindset as Pansy.

"I'm supposed to help that bitch? Oh, I'm not going to. In fact, I'm going to savour her suspension. She hurt you, she hurt Draco and she ripped our friendship apart! And you want me to do what? Help her? Ha!" Blaise let out a loud unamused laugh as he turn sinisterly menacing. "What a fucking joke, Gregory." Greg gulped, he wanted to help Pansy but when Blaise puts the situation like that, he couldn't help but feel like he was being confronted. Yes, he did have a soft spot for Pansy but it wasn't like he was prioritising her or anything... right?

"Get out of my fucking sight, Mr Parkinson. You're no bloody better than that sickening bitch." Blaise scoffed as he continued to look at his book. Ego hurt and pride destroyed, Greg drags himself out the door. He's never really been confronted like thay before, Draco and Blaise was always mean in a rather friendly and teasing way. Never have they hurt him, but this was different; Greg had hurt Blaise and allowed Pansy to hurt Draco, and this was his punishment.


"Woah, are you catching a cold, Draco? You're sneezing a lot." Harry laughed as he tucked his folded blazer neatly into his drawers.

"Did you just call me by my first name, Potter?" Draco sniffles, wiping his nose. He had a gut feeling someone was talking about him unironically in the school.

"Oh, I did. It just... slipped, I guess. Sorry?" Harry asks in an awkwardly unsure tone.

"Sweet Merlin, how long have I been out to hear an assertive Gryffindor so unsure?" Draco teasingly scoffs as he continues to scratch Harco's head. Grinning, Harry was absolutely pleased that the usual Draco is back.

"Hey, Malfoy. Watch this trick I taught Harco." Harry smiles cheekily as he clicks his tongue, catching Harco's attention almost immediately. The drowsy griffon became alert within a span of half a second as soon as the brunette did some weird head movements. Draco furrows his eyebrows as he watches this interaction confusedly. Harco spreads his wings out and flies around the room as Harry takes out a tiny wooden box and as soon as he opens it, Harco makes a beeline for the box. Surprisingly, Harco didn't miss!

Clapping, Draco smiles as Harco pokes his head out from the enchanted box.

"When did you teach him this?" Draco laughs as Harco pounces onto him from the box. Harry smiles for a brief second before pursing his lips and scratching the back of his head, it was rather awkward to bring this up but it was literally a few hours ago that Draco and Pansy was still together, and Draco was still under the Love Potion's magic.

"Well, I had been spending loads of time with Harco when you uh... were dating Pansy." Harry tried his best not to sound bitter but ended up pouting instead.

"Are you... bitter?" Draco teases as he peers into Harry's face. "Oh my Merlin, you are!" He lets out a delightful chuckle, almost giggle-like. Harry couldn't help but smile at how adorable Draco's laughing was... it just made his heart bloom whenever Draco smiled. The way his lips just becomes heart shaped was the cutest thing ever.

"Yes, I am." Harry gives Draco a smile he can't find the words to define... it was a smile that was like a confession; a loving smile? Draco's heart stopped for a moment before it started again. In the dimly light, the starry night and the gently breeze basically whispering for the boys to kiss. If this wasn't romantic; nothing was. Walking up to Draco's bed, Harry sat down beside where Draco laid. Harry's disheveled hair slightly danced with the wind as he smiled kindly at Draco. Unconsciously, Draco's eyes trailed to Harry's slightly ajar lips, it was slightly glossy and a pretty shade of coral pink. This feeling inside of him; it certainly wasn't nausea... perhaps intoxication?

"Hey, Potter. Can I kiss you?"

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