Chapter 12

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Draco was already in class when Harry arrived

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Draco was already in class when Harry arrived. Mrs McGoganall had a big grin when she saw the two boys nod curtly at each other as Harry entered. Hermione patted the area beside her eagerly, her visage serious and stiff. Waddling towards Hermione, he was quite scared of what she had to say considering she's never had such a serious face on recently.

"I have a terrible feeling that Mrs McGonagall has something up her sleeves." She whispered into Harry's ears as soon as he sat down. "I doubt it's going to be good. What do you think it is?"

"A surprise test maybe? Who knows - its McGonagall." Harry shrugged, slumping his shoulder in defeat.

"Attention please, class is starting." McGonagall's voice cut through all the small chatter as she stood up. Hermione pursed her lips as she reluctantly forced herself to face the front and sit up straight, Harry did the same.

"Today's assignment is going to be an inter-house assignment. It is a bonding project that has been agreed with every house master and it will go on for a month. Students will have to raise a beast they have transfigured from a chair." McGonagall smiled. "I will be choosing which houses pair with which. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff and of course, Slytherin and Gryffindor. You have five minutes to get into a group before I brief you on your mission - go!"

Harry bit his lips, this was much worse than a surprise test. Silently, he waddled towards Draco and sat himself onto the seat.

"C-can I be your partner, Malfoy?" Ignored. Draco just continued flipping through his book. Inhaling deeply, Harry taps his shoulder. "Malfoy-" "I heard you the first time." Draco sighed. "Yes, I'll be delighted to be your project partner." He groaned sarcastically. Honestly, Draco'd rather have Harry be his project partner than any other Gryffindors, he couldn't stand them honestly. Besides Hermione of course but she wouldn't even think about going into the boys' dormitory, let alone go into the Slytherins boys' dormitory.

Harry then turned to Hermione who looked troubled, everyone was in a pair except her and Pansy. Shooting her a sympathetic look, Hermione sighed as she made her way next to Pansy who shot her a glare.

"Hello, mudblood. You're still alive, great job." She growled as Hermione comes into her view. Hermione halts for a second, taking one last look around the room for a miracle before sighing and sitting down.

"Hello to you too." Hermione whispered as she rolled her eyes as she sat down. Harry thinned his lips worriedly as he watched Hermione get picked on by her partner. It was just horrid to watch.

"What's with your hair? It's as if you're becoming a Weasley because you're dating one." Pansy tugged on a tuft of lighter brown hair which could be mistaken for ginger hair.

"Let go of my hair, you brute! Don't make me hex your fingers together." Hermione slapped Pansy's hands away.

"Miss Granger and Miss Parkinson! I do not condone to such behaviour or language in my class. Miss Parkinson, leave the class for now and meet me after class and Miss Granger... I will find you a new partner to work with but I trust you'll be fine on your own?" McGonagall slams a ruler onto the table area between the two as they squabbled. Hermione nods weakly and Pansy only sat there with wide eyes.

"But miss, why can't I work alone too? I didn't do anything wrong!" Pansy said with a desperate voice, she wanted to be an Auror and getting kicked out of Transfiguration will not guarantee her an 'O'. Mrs McGonagall lifted an eyebrow coldly, as if saying 'Are you sure?'. With a huff, Pansy got up and left.

"Now. Any other complications? No? Is everyone in a pair? Okay then, you will be sharing your rooms with your partner. You two will decide who is going to who's house dormitory. You can even do a rotatory system. As long as you can take care of the animal with both parents present, then it is okay." McGonagall smiles. "Any questions?"

Harry gulped, turning to the unfazed Draco. Was he really okay with this? "L-let's go to Gryffindor-" "No." Draco glared at Harry. Draco's a Slytherin, as long as he says 'no' he won't change his mind - Slytherins are known for getting what they want.

"Okay." Harry sighed defeatedly before turning back to McGonagall.

"Now, transfigure a magical beast out of the other's chair." McGonagall instructs. Harry stands up and so does Draco, they froze and went to sit down but immediately realise they are mirroring each other. Groaning, Draco lets out a loud sigh as he gets up.

"Let's have a baby griffon. You do it." Draco commands. Walking behind Harry, he awaits the magic. "What are you waiting for?"

"Fine. A baby griffon? Okay then." Harry took a step back. "Avifor!" The spell just disappeared into the air upon contact with the chair which was to be expected. Draco merely rolled his eyes boredly as if he was unimpressed, because he truly was. Harry might be gifted in Dark Magic, but his normal magic was terrible.

"That's for turning small objects into birds. Here's how you do it, Potter." Draco points his wand at the chair and whispers a soft spell. A wave of blue mist dispersed into the air and wrapped itself around the chair, that's when it began to flip and roll into a small golden brown griffon. The griffon shook it's head confusedly, it's ember eyes immediately locking with Harry's.

"A baby griffon on the first try? Splendid work, Mr Malfoy. It is as if you absorbed the spell book or something." McGonagall chuckles as she pats him on the back. Draco walks over and picks up the small lion-pawed bird. "There's your child." McGonagall turns to Harry who flinched at the words 'your child'.

"Your name will be... Grytherin." Draco gently shook the bird side to side as the bird let out a tired squawk.

"You named the bird without me?" Harry pouted as he walked up to Draco.

"I think I've a right to name him after I transfigured him. And he's a griffon, not a mere bird." Draco retorted smugly. Harry stared at the tiny griffon in Draco's hands. A pair of emerald green eyes perked up, mocking his own. It's eyes were iridescent, shifting from a pastel ember yellow to a deep sparkling grin. It was beautiful.

"How about Drarry?" Harry suddenly asks. Slowly, Draco turns around with an eyebrow raised.

"What? That's the most ridiculous name I've ever heard." Draco scoffed, cradling the griffon protectively in his arms.

"It's just like Grytherin except with our names." Harry snorted, it sounded funny to say that. It sounded like what a couple would say. "What about Harco? That sounds better in my opinion." Draco stared at the griffon, who immediately reacted to the name. Harry smiled, he probably just did the impossible - he made a Slytherin reconsider his choice.

"Harco sounds nice."

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