Chapter 7

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The library he said, but the forbidden forest he went

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The library he said, but the forbidden forest he went. He told Blaise about it and reluctantly, Blaise had agreed. He couldn't say no either way since Draco had disappeared the moment he told Blaise.

"Have a good pounding in Potter's arse." Blaise chuckled to himself.

The stream. He made a beeline for the stream. It's been a while since he's gone there, Draco wonders if the water is still crystal clear. Otherwise he could just charm it to become crystal clear. It was beautiful as if not a single day has passed, the first time he's found this in sixth year, it was a miracle to be honest. He was quite lost. Following the stream led him to a familiar path he knew and off he went.

Pansy. She never really cared, did she? Perhaps she just played along because Draco was the mean boy - the big bully who stood up to the Golden. Probably. Sitting down, he stared at the water. Maybe he should charm it to be pitch black, to the point he can't see his palm if he held the water in his hand.

"You." What was with Draco being caught these days? Turning around, it was just Luna Lovegood, no one could never not recognise those long locks of blonde hair that rested at her hip.

"Yes, hello, Luna. How may I help you?" Draco sighed, standing up.

"No, how may I help you? I only came because the grass seemed darker around you, it was your aura. You're upset." Luna flickered her glasses on and off her eyes, her voice the same pitch and her lips always curled into a slight smile. He's never seen her with a different expression before, it was quite odd.

"How about... leaving me alone?" "That works too, or I can get Potter." "What? No, why would you associate him with me?" Draco stops the girl but it was too late, she had whipped out her wand and casted a silent spell. Merlin knows what she told Harry in that communication spell. "I've got to run now, Hermione's meeting me in the library. Goodbye." She said in her usual high pitched voice before running off.

Draco sighed, he got off his arse and walked away from the stream, now hopefully Harry can't find him. Casting a charm, he begins to grow some tulips as he walks past them. Rarely did the Forbidden forest harbour such gorgeous flowers. Draco had a soft spot for flowers, don't know why. They just seemed small, bright and colourful in his dull world. Standing up, he's quite frustrated so he decides it's okay for a few flowers to die.

"Stupefy!" He points his wand straight in the middle of the tulip patch. A blue ball forms and immediately hits the flowers. They were crumpled, defeated. They never stood a chance at all. How unfair, Draco thought as he casted a silent spell. The flowers' broken stems magically healed and they stood upright again. Everyone deserves second chances.

"Draco, you weren't at the stream." Oh, bloody hell. Harry found him, was it because of Stupefy? He was pretty far from the stream, it was barely deep into the forbidden forest but still a good distance from the stream.

"Yeah, because I left?" Draco sarcastically said, not even turning to look at him.

"Luna said you were there, so I came. What's wrong?" Harry walked up to Draco.

"I don't recall being your friend nor asking for your help." Draco frowned, finally taking a look at Harry. He refused to owe Harry any further than he has. After all, Harry saved his life.

"Why? What about yesterday?" Harry asked, moving closer as he peered into Draco's face.

"Yesterday? It was an accident, you dumbass. Besides, I still don't recall when I became your friend, Potter. You sound like a little girl confessing to her crush." Draco snarled.

"Gross, Malfoy, keep your odd fantasies to yourself." Harry rolled his eyes. "Why are you so against being my friend?"

"We've fought over nothing for over 7 years, in that time so many things has happened, so much shit we've been through - so many things we said but never meant, Potter. We've changed but, we're still not ready to be friends." Draco declared but all Harry did was laugh. "Why are you laughing?" Draco's voice low and full of anger. He confided in Harry, but he was laughing?

"It's funny, Malfoy! Being friends isn't that deep, we can still have arguments and stuff, you know? What you're saying sounds like you're talking to an ex lover who wants to get back together." Harry pretended to wipe a tear from his eye. Was it that funny? Draco knew what he was talking about, a big genre of muggle books were sappy romance. Harry wasn't wrong, it did sound like he was talking to an ex lover.

"So friends?" Harry finally finished his laughing fit. Holding out his hand, he smiled sweetly at Draco. Draco has never been so tempted to shake a hand before but what happens to he casted a spell in his hand? What if it was a bond? No - no more letting his fears hold him back. Did Draco want to be his friend?

"No, I don't- it's awkward to be so official. I guess we are already friends." Draco grumbled, awkwardly shaking his hand.

"I told you." "Yeah, because Potter is never wrong." "What's that supposed to mean?" "The opposite. You are always wrong. Besides, Potter, you've grown soft." "No, I haven't." "Sure, Potter. Whatever the saviour says."

And the teasing went on and on until they were outside the forbidden forest.

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