Chapter 9

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Fawn didn't even hesitate to cook dinner that night. Within ten minutes, the mouth watering smells of her meal was floating through the Ghost. Hera came into the kitchen first, not very surprised to see Fawn cooking.

"Hey Hera" Fawn said as she stirred the contents in a bowl.

"Not even here for a day and you're already starting dinner" Hera chuckled, leaning against the door frame.

"Yeah, well, I've been making some new recipes lately and they're all quite interesting. Thought you guys might want to try them" Fawn shrugged.

"When will it be done?"

"I'd say about twenty minutes."

"I'll let the others know."

Hera didn't need to say much to the crew for them to know dinner was coming. The smells were wafting through the cooling ducts, finding their ways into the cabins. In all honesty, they were looking forward to the meal. It had been a long time since they'd had any of Fawn's incredible creations.

Almost as soon as Fawn called the crew, they were out in the common room. Hurricane fetched the dragons who also bounded in, (besides Whiplash who walked firmly and in a military way.)
Fawn spooned the contents of her dish into the bowls and made her way out to the others.

"Wow Fawn" Sabine smiled as the Gray Jedi laid out the bowls.

"You've really out done yourself."

"If you think this is good, wait till I make you guys my pasta bake, it's a favourite on Kabera" Fawn smiled.

"Karabast, I've missed your cooking Fawn" Zeb said, eating his bowl of food.

"Glad you like it" Fawn smiled.

Ezra finished before the others. He stood up from the table and put his bowl in the kitchen. Without a word, he left the common room to his cabin.


The Gray Jedi looked over at Hera who made a motion with her eyes to go after Ezra. With a nod, Fawn followed her brother down the corridor.

Fawn approached Ezra's room and heard the cabin door lock click. She sighed sadly, he must've known she was going to follow him. Resting a hand on the door, Fawn took a breath.

"Ezra, it's me. I...I know things haven't been the greatest between us over the last six months. I haven't contacted you guys in ages and I was selfish. I shouldn't have gone back to Kabera, they would've managed fine without me, I see that now."

There was no answer but Fawn continued, leaning against the door.

"I've heard about your victories and achievements from both the rebellion and Empire. I've never been so proud, you've come so far since the last time I saw you. You've grown up, just like I knew you would, but it's complicated isn't it? While you have grown, you've become...different. Kanan told me about the Sith Holocron, what it did to you."

Fawn slid to the floor, resting her head on the door, as she placed her arms on her knees.

"I'm not angry at you for that, I'm angry at myself. I should've been here. When we were in the Jedi Temple on Lothal, I spoke to my Master, promising him I'd make sure you're connection to the Dark Side was stable. He wanted me to make sure it didn't turn out like mine did, out of control and dangerous. I failed him. And I paid the price for it. Ever since I left the rebellion, I haven't been able to sense my Master's presence. All I can feel is a cold, dark void. He's not with me anymore Ezra, all because of a mistake I made."

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