Chapter 1

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A few days after The Antilles Extraction.

It had been six months since Fawn had left and the incident at Malacore took place. The rebels had found a base to establish their forces and keep their ships until attacking the Empire. A lot had happened over the months. The rebellion had recruited new allies and Maul had returned. Not to mention Ezra and Kanan finally reunited. But not everything was great...

"Commander Sato" Hera said, as the Ghost Crew entered the command center of Atalon.

"Have you received any word from the ships we sent out?"

"Indeed" Sato replied grimly.

"Let me guess, all captured?" Hera inquired.

Sato pressed a button on the hologram projecter and a transmission of a pilot came up. His face was full of fear.

"Phoenix Squadron to home base, we've been caught by the Empire, we need help..."

The picture went static before disappearing. The rebels exhaled sadly.

"That's the fifth time over these two weeks" Ezra said.

"We're losing pilots and ships so fast there may be no one left for the rebellion."

"Well what are we supposed to do? Go up to the Empire and politely ask them to release the captured rebels?" Sabine asked him.

"But Ezra does have a point. We can't let this continue to happen "

"Do you have an idea?" Kanan inquired.

"I do, but it involves permission, traveling and a lot of persuasion."

"Oh boy, here it comes" Zeb rolled his eyes.

"Remember when the odds were against more than other times? We had a little support at the worst moments."

"Hold on, you're not seriously thinking about her are you?" Hera stared.

"Who are we talking about?" Ezra asked.

"What other choice do we have? She helped us once and she can do it again" Sabine continued.

"Sabine, she left because her home was demolished" Zeb said.

"Fawn will understand, she came to us the first time didn't she?"

Ezra gave a sharp intake of breath at the name and went quiet.

"With Fawn and the dragons back on our side, think of how much more a chance we'll have. Besides, we all miss her and our dragons don't we?"

The command center become silent as the topic of the beloved winged lizards were brought up. The Ghost Crew all missed​ their scaled friends dearly. They all occasionally woke up with nightmares of getting Bonding Sickness. Ezra had taken the loss of Whiplash hard and over the days after the dragon left, he'd been about as depressed as Kyber after he lost Ben.

"I won't deny that Sabine" Hera said.

"But you remember what Kabera was like. Completely run down. There's no guarantee Kabera's even safe for the dragons again. There might be tons of work still left to be done."

"Yeah but Hera..."

"Fawn left to help her home" Ezra said sharply and suddenly.

"We need to respect her choice and let her be. We can't rely on her all the time, she needs to live her own life without us tagging along."

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