Family time

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Kayla and Ashton found out about the funeral and let them know in case they want to come.Gibbs checked on her."Everything alright?"He asked as Torres and Ashton came in."Ready?"Ashton asked."Yeah."She said as she just finished up.They went to the funeral.By the time it was over,she was starving.She tried to think whats the best to go to eat."Hungry?"Torres asked."More like starving."She said.He nodded then took her to a hole in a wall restaurant.The two seen Gibbs and Ashton.They sat down across from them.Gibbs cleared his throat."Ordered your favorite."Ashton said."When are two going tell me about you two dating?"He asked."Well someone did hint it at some point."She mentioned."Oh yeah,it's a big hint alright.More like someone told me."Gibbs said then looked at Ashton."If murder was legal,I be murdering you right now,Ash."She said."Oh really?"Ashton asked."Oh yeah,because I never told our stepmother about your relationships,all the lies and late nights and all the curfew breaking rules.Besides,we agreed that we tell a parent about our relationships when we're ready."She said."Oh forgot."He said."How long?"Gibbs asked."Well we dated a while then broke it off and now we back together."Torres said.Gibbs nodded."So basically you two broke my rule..."

"Yes,will continue it until other wise."She stated."This isn't the first time she broken a rule."Ashton said."Oh I can imagine on that."Gibbs said then turned to him.The waiter came with their food and set it down in front of them."So,how's your fiancé,Ashton?"She asked."She's at home with her parents at the moment taking care of something.She said that I need to visit you for a few days until I found another place for us."He said. She said."Are you sure is that what she really mean?"She said."Let me guess you done that trick right?"Torres asked."No but knew someone who did to break up with or to cheat."She said."Oh that's cold."Torres said.Soon they finished the bill.Gibbs paid the bill.They went home and noticed a few people. It dawned on her that they were realtors.She went into her bedroom and changed clothes.At least something more comfortable. She walked out and into the kitchen. She grabbed some coffee and took a sip of it. She seen the mail and went throught it and notice nothing but bills.She started to noticed other people mail as well."Mail here!"She yelled.They rushed in quickly.Each one took their mail.They opened it and read it.Kayla read the newspaper then got token away.She gave them the face,'Are you serious?' "You know there's a pile of newspaper that some listing there?"She asked them as she assumed that they were looking for an apartment.She did pointed it out next to the coffee."Oh."Bishop said then gave it back to her.They went to get the pile of newspaper and read it through.Soon they finally fine their apartments and moved in.She decided to let Torres stay if he pleases.

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