Is this real?

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When they arrived at the bar in down town,They stopped across the street to watch Frank Kennedy."Have any boyfriends?"Tony asked as he was curious."No,I think I prefer be single for now."She said.They watch Frank go in as usual which is got a few marine in it unlike the other bar that Ziva and Tim watching.The other bar is full of military personal.Christian walked in alone and fifteen minute later he walk out with a marine who knew about the case or at least knew who was working on it."We have something."Ziva let everyone else know.Kayla and Tony had nothing just as much as Gibbs.They were luck to have something about Christian.Christian is part of the team but yet so against it.Kayla failed to mention about someone on the team were against them but she figured they figure it out already."You do know that one of the teammate is against all of this?"Tony asked her."I figure it catch up eventually."She said.Christian got into an alley with the marine.He stood behind him and pointed a gun to the marine's head."Christian!Drop the gun!"Ziva yelled at him."I can't do that."He said the marine turn slowly."Why because I help put together the team and find out you wasn't part of original plan?"The marine asked.Christian find out it his father.He finally put his gun down andplace his hand behind his head.Ziva and McGee arrest him as Tony,Kayla and Gibbs finally got there."Everything alright?"Kayla asked."Yeah"Tim said."Ever thought about joining us?"Gibbs asked."Yeah but I rather wait for now."Kayla asked.They went back to the office and she grabbed her stuff."It's nice to meet you all."Kayla said."It's nice to meet you too."Tim said."Gibbs can we talk?"Kayla asked."Yeah,can we?"Ashton asked."Alright,where at?"Gibbs asked."In the elevator."Kayla said then headed to the elevator with Ashton as Gibbs followed.They walk in the shut the elevator off."What do you remember besides Shannon and Kelly?"Kayla asked."I remember have two other kids but don't know what to them.I can imagine they doing great right now."Gibbs said."Let's just they are.They became like their father a marine.One is getting married."Kayla said."Get to the point."Gibbs said."Alright.we're your kids."Kayla came out with it."I have deploy right after talking with the president tonight.He will give you a call about it tomorrow."Kayla explained.Gibbs nodded."How long?"He asked."Not sure."She said."I'm just go home spend time my girlfriend and I'll have her over tomorrowish."Ashton said.Gibbs nodded then watched them left.

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