Hunted down part 3

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Kayla ignore it until she got him alone in Abby's Lab.She gather all the information that she could at the time.Then she went to the office with it and gave it to Abby and chat with her for a moment before going Ducky."Well you're early.You're just like Gibbs on that."Ducky said."I figure at least one body would be done already."Kayla said."Right."Ducky said. He lean against on one of the tables as Jimmy came up." How is you and Gibbs working this out as a leader?"Ducky asked."He's not liking but he has no choice on it."She said."Well anyways all these bodies been killed the same way,over kill."Ducky said."I figured by the looks of it.Just figured there might something different."She said. Ducky nodded."Might want check with Abby with the samples."Jimmy said."I agree."Ducky said.She nodded as she already planning on going there."Thanks."She said then she went to Abby's lab. When she walked in,Abby quickly turned around."Oh,I was expected your dad."She said."I guess it's time to stop doing like he does it."Kayla said."Well at least you two can keep us on our toes."Abby said then seen the team walking in."Anyways,walked in just in time."She said then turn to her computer and showed her results that she had already. Kayla looked at screen and of course couldn't read it without her glasses. She placed her glasses on then read it quickly before Abby flipped it to a picture of a footprint. It was a bloodily one."Thanks Abby."She said then walked out as she took her glasses off.Gibbs followed her quickly."I'm guessing this is a gut feeling?"He asked. He hand her a file.She took it."More then a gut feeling right now."She said. She talk with team for second and found out Riley is nowhere to be found along with their mole name named Matthew Hills. She suddenly received a call the daycare there her god son is at. She got pissed quickly. She received a text from Riley.
"Want to see the boy,must see me in the barn at home."

She quickly went to the car and got in then drove home. Gibbs gathered the team and drove to her home. Kayla pulled up and quickly got out and went into the barn with her gun drawn out. She glanced around."Drop the gun or I'll kill the boy."Riley said as he held onto the boy tightly with a gun to the boy's head. She calmly put it down. Riley pushed boy over as he heard some cars pulling up. As the two fought,the team wondered where she was at exactly. At least not until they heard some gun shots. They quickly grabbed their guns and went to the source of it. They found her and seen Riley shot to death. She got shot herself in the leg as her other leg got broken. Clayton quickly picked her up and her to the hospital as Gibbs took care of Jackson for her.

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