Getting to the point now

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Ashton came home surprisingly and early too.He went home right quick but instead noticing he had no home.He went to his sister's house.He rang the door bell.He looked around a bit and seen a few cars.He heard the door opening then seen his sister at the door.She hugged him tightly."Can't breath."He said.She quickly let go."Trying to kill your brother?"Gibbs asked."No,just haven't seen him in a long time."She said as she let him in."Oh.Mind if I crash here?"Ashton asked."No home?"She asked."No home.Not sure what happened."Ashton said."We'll look at it."Gibbs said."Well I don't have any space beside the couch in my room."Kayla said."Let me guess all these people here on the same thing.A no home situation?"Ashton asked."Pretty much so."Kayla said.Ashton went straight o the bedroom and set his bag down.Most of the team,except Ducky,Jimmy,Abby,Delilah and Vance went to Ashton's home,at least once called.They looked it over and took whatever evidence they can get.It look like a gas had exploded.They took the evidence to Abby.She did want she could."It's gas for sure."She said.Soon Torres and Kayla was really alone his time."So,basically we're sharing bed right?"he asked."Yeah,besides,we were sharing a bed before he arrived."She said then smirked at him."Right.How about we go out some?"He asked.He didn't think it through.Not only she was the boss' daughter but only on of Gibbs' rules.She thought it for a moment."Sure."She said."You know Gibbs would be pissed if you break one of his rules?"Vance asked."It wouldn't be the first on breaking a rules."She said."Wait,you broke one of his rules?"Torres asked."Not just his but everyone else's include my own."She said.Torres nodded like in 'oh'. "I won't tell him until you two are ready."Vance said then let them be."How about we go on our first date right after our case?"Torres asked."Sounds like a great idea."She said."Great."He said then quickly kissed her cheek then left.She smirked a bit.She thought about the case and wondered if the guy worked at both or have someone doing the dirty work with him.She joined the others in the former garage."Does anyone got anything so far?"Gibbs asked."Electric company said that they schedule it in a few days later more like a week."Alex said."We got the same answer."McGee said."I got the records of each of their employees."Abbie said as she put the papers down on the table"What if one is working for both or they're working as a team?"Kayla said.Gibbs nodded as if he saying alright.They went through the papers and find couple of guys that were living in the same place.Gibbs grabbed the paper and looked over it then looked at the backgrounds of the two guys.

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