Classified case

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Gibbs laid photos of some bodies."Know anything about this?"He asked.Kayla looked at it carefully as her brother.Ashton glanced at it and shocked his head.The director noticed how Kayla was and even Gibbs noticed.Ashton finally noticed."Kay,know something?"He asked."Yes,but all this is classified.How did you find this out besides someone reported it to you?"She asked."Just get McGee do it."Director said."You can't do that ma'am.This is highly classified."Kayla said."How high?"She asked."Like face to face with the president of United States.Like you have to go into the white house face to face type."Kayla said.The body were shot like if they were shot by a sniper and been drugged so they couldn't remember how they got to some of these place like a garage that more private or an old warehouses. "Alright,let's this taken care quickly so this case will be over with.Like the first thing in the morning,so everyone can dress up nicely."She mentioned.They nodded.NCIS let the two go home for that night.As Kayla walked out the door,she seen a familiar face on their screen and realized something was wrong,her ex boyfriend."Is this something wrong?"Gibbs asked."She shook her head."Nothing wrong."She said then moved on.When they got to the white house next day,she present herself in front of the president then introduce the team to him."Have any news about that case?"He asked."Yes,sir.Um it's not really my news,it's theirs."She said.The president put his pen down and looked at the team in front of him."You trust these people?"He asked."Yes,of course."She said."Alright.If you trust these people then I trust them since you are the leader of the team."He said then got up and stretched a bit.He sworn them into the case."After the case is done,you must come back here report it personally."He said.They nodded then left.They went to the bull pen."Sorry that we haven't introduce ourselves."One said."I'm Ziva."The woman said."Timothy McGee."Geeky one said."And I'm Tony."Devilish looking guy said."This is Ashton and I'm Kayla Gibbs."She said."Wait we all thought he only had one."Tim said."That's what Kat said."Ashton said."Kat as in who sat there before her?"Tony asked."Yeah."Ashton said."That's weird that she never mentioned neither of you."Tony said."It's because we kept a secret."Kayla said.Ashton seen a guy,the same guy that Kayla seen the day before."We trying figure his name."Tim said."Isn't that your ex boyfriend?"Ashton asked."Yeah.What was his name?"Ashton asked."Frank Kennedy."She said."What is he like?"Ziva asked."He's an asshole.Ash,you were completely right about him."Kayla said.

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