Chapter 4

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Another chapter(:

Just a slideshow of all the characters on the right!(:

Enjoy the chappie!(:

Chapter 4 (Leo POV)

        ‘She was beautiful, no, breathtaking. Shit! Why was I thinking about her like this? No! She’s the girl who’s going to ruin my life.’ Leo admitted harshly in his head. He watched the strange girl, wide eyed and fragile, but nonetheless, beautiful, as she walked towards them with her mother behind her. She had a firm gaze, her lips pressed in a tight line, and her arms crossed over her chest; however, her face had a puzzled look on it. ‘She doesn’t know yet. Oh joy, time to break that innocent face. What the hell!? Stop thinking about her like that Leo! Girls are bitches who want to screw with your heart, then walk away like you mean nothing to them’ Leo faced down, his eyes tracing the lines of his one of a kind Jordan’s.

They we’re light blue, just like his eyes, and new, not to mention shiny. They cost a fortune, not like it mattered, considering his family was loaded with money. He smiled inwardly, anyone would have died for a pair of shoes like his, but they were Leo’s. Being rich did have advantages.

Pushing those thoughts aside, he remembered why he was hurt. His girlfriend, Rebecca, broke his heart when he caught her in bed with another guy. He remembered all his friends telling him during football practices how his girlfriend was hot, and how she couldn’t be trusted. Back then he’d just shrug them off, telling himself that wasn’t true. Looking back, he realized what a dumbass he’d been for trusting some girl instead of his friends. ‘How did I know I’d fallen head over heels in love with the school slut? I should’ve listened to my friends, they knew what was wrong with her, and kept giving me hints but I never took them.’ He groaned inwardly. She was his everything. He was even willing to give up his virginity to her, to claim her as his mate, but he knew she wasn’t it. The girl, who stood before him, was his mate. ‘No. I’m never falling in love again. I don’t care if she’s my mate, she can go fucking die in a hole for all I care’. His mind flashed with rage.

        “Let’s go sweetie” His mother’s gentle voice lifted him out of his angered thoughts. He looked up and met his mother’s gaze as she motioned towards the door. The girl was nowhere in sight. He got up and followed her out towards the limo. Getting in, he grabbed his iPod out of his suit pocket and listened to his favorite songs. The music calmed him. Pulsating through his ears, it traveled into his body, making its way to every nerve with an ice cold touch, immediately calming him.

He sighed and looked up to his parents. They gave him a small apologetic smile. He turned away. Leo couldn’t give his parent’s the satisfaction of knowing what they were doing was right. It was wrong, completely wrong. They were only 18, both so young, but now they were being treated like adults. It wasn’t fair.

Leo loved his parents more than anything, and supported them all the way with whatever decisions they made, but this time they went too far. He wanted to go to college, to get a degree and have a career. Then he would get married, not the other way around.

He closed his eyes and tried to focus just on the music. He felt the seat next to him move, a soft vanilla sweet scent wafted into his nose. It hungered him, at the same time, calmed him. ‘Mate, Mate,’ said his inner wolf. ‘No’ he thought rigidly. Being alpha, he had strong control over other wolves, as well as his own, but it seemed that his mate had unleashed my wolf’s true potential as he wanted to claim her badly. He growled softly, shutting the wolf up temporarily, but he knew he was still going to pester him about Taylor.

Leo got ready for the long trip ahead. They were going to his home in Colorado. The Colorado area was perfect for supernatural creatures like him to live peacefully without too much human interference. The woods and mountains helped create a peaceful escape. All the other supernatural beings got along well, despite what people usually say. Vampires and werewolves weren’t at each other’s throats; witches weren’t evil, etc. etc.

The drive to the airport was silent; he managed to look out the window the whole time without looking at the girl. Before he knew it, the girl was asleep; he could hear her soft snores. He peered over, and just as expected, she was lying against the door, the side of her face pressed against the glass. Her breathing was even, and her face didn’t look tense anymore. She looked...peaceful. Shaking the smile that was forming on his lips, he turned back to the window, sinking into the deep abyss of suburban houses and small town life. Sighing, he closed his eyes and drifted off into a deep, restful sleep. 

Arranged Marriage to my Mate [Completed but Editing]Where stories live. Discover now