When it all started

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(* means thinking)
Jakes POV:
A few weeks ago my brother Logan and I moved from Ohio to LA to begin our next chapter of our lives. In Ohio, Logan and I got famous off of vine, but it died.(RIP Vine). I had come out here to look for a way to make a business where people could join and start their career like how I would. But first, I scheduled a breakfast "date" with this girl Erika Costell from Michigan or Nashville... I can't remember where exactly but I know she was a model.

Erika POV:
Today I am meeting a man named Jake Paul. I have seen a couple of his vines on YouTube and a few my friend Tessa has shown me. But I really didn't know who he was. I was originally from Ohio, where he's from but I moved to Michigan then went to college in Nashville. Anyways, I am meeting him at Panera for a breakfast meeting to talk about something he's been working on.

Jakes POV:
I got to where we were meeting and it's my favorite place to go because it has BAGELS!!! I love bagels. Possibly as much a girls love pumpkin spice lattes.
Since I got there before Erika did, I got a table and got water for both of us because she texted and said she was almost here. I sat near the window so I could see if she was here.  I didn't recognize her at first but then I realized how beautiful she was.(bootyful😂)
Wait, no. I couldn't like her. She probably has a boyfriend so if I confront her, she'll run and not want the job. You got this Jake! You can do this!

Erika's POV:
I was stuck in traffic because of an accident but wasn't too far from Panera.  So I texted Jake and told him that I was almost there.
10 minuets later
I pull into the parking lot and I see this hot young man in the window and I immediately think that he has a girl friend and wouldn't want someone like me... so I walk in and see Jake staring at me, drooling, I turned and bit my lip.
I walked over and asked if he was Jake, even though I already knew. He said yes and started talking.

Jakes POV:
Erika came over and asked if I was Jake. I obviously said yes, so she sat down in fronting me and I started asking questions.
J: Where did you go to college? You don't need to tell me the exact name.
E: Oh. I um- uh- I went to Nashville university *really Erika you just stuttered in front of your maybe boss!*
J:*That was adorable. She is nervous around me!!☺️*
E:What about you?
J: Oh! I dropped out of high school!
E: Oh. What school then?
J: I went to Westlake High in Cleveland.
E: Cool!
** After a lot more questions, they finally finish and Jake asks if they want to go to the grove to see if she'll accept the job**

At the grove
Jakes POV
Ok... so can you do business?
E: Yes
J: Do you think that when we sign more people, you will start to act all rude towards them?
E: No. Unless they do something that I feel is bad towards the business or other people.
** Both laugh**
J:  Ok then! You're hired!
E:OMG really?!
** Erika jumps up and hugs jake and Jake feels something he's never felt before with any other girl.**
J: Hey Rik?
E: Yeah?
J:  How about, we spend the day together?
E:  Ok Jake, I'd love too!
** They were spending time together, for the whole day having a blast then Jake asks Erika this question...**
J: Rik?
E: Yeah?
J: What were your last relationships like and what is your bf like?
E: Umm. Well the last relationship I had my ex cheated on me for 2 years while I was in college. I'm single now. I'm not quite ready for a bf right now.
J: Oh.. I'm SO sorry that I brought it up...
E: It's fine! What about you?
J: I've had one actual gf but I broke up with her and I'm not in a relationship right now.
E: Cool!
J: Do you want to live in my appt. while we look for homes for Team 10? It won't be like that.
E: Ok! Thanks for the offer!

     With that they got back to jakes apartment and ordered Postmates and went to bed.

~~~ OMG! I just wrote my first chapter of this fan fiction!!! I'm sorry it's so long! I just tried to put everything they did in one chapter! And, I realize that not everything was accurate, that's on purpose or this whole story would become boring. I'm going to rant a bit so if you don't like rants I wouldn't care, so you can skip this. I don't get why all these Jerika fp are flipping out bc jake and Rik both said that they don't love each other. In chads vlog, at 6:26, you can hear Rik say that she was nervous and Jake said that she didn't have to be nervous. If Jerika doesn't want to say ily to each other(with a meaning) they don't have too! They might say it off camera or not, but they DON'T want to get it on camera get. Because what would happen if they broke up, they would have this video to say ily and become sad. So yeah. Anyways, I hope you like it! I will try to post every day but if I don't it's either my WiFi isn't working and won't let me update, sick, or of school.

Love you! 😘❤️

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