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"Jungkook!" Taehyung called out from the kitchen.

He'd finished making their breakfast which was ramen since he knew Jungkook enjoyed the dish thoroughly. He also had high hoped that it would make up for the argument they had the night before.

For the remainder of the evening, Jungkook hadn't come out of his room which worried Taehyung because he wasn't sure if he had eaten. But when he passed his room sometime around midnight to get a glass of water from the kitchen, he heard him watching The Lion King as he sobbed and sniffled loudly. Hearing Jungkook cry his heart out reduced Taehyung to tears. After he grabbed his water he went back to his room and silently cried himself to sleep, with strong feelings of guilt and sorrow. Taehyung knew that Jungkook only wanted The Lion King when he was at his lowest, and acknowledged that he was the cause of his foul mood.

He didn't expect Jungkook to forgive him if he made him ramen but he wanted to take small steps to gain his trust which he seemed to believe he had lost somewhere along the blurred lines.

"Baby?" Taehyung called out questionably, since he hadn't receive a reply.

Taehyung strolled to Jungkook's bedroom door then knocked and soon enough a deep groan sounded.

"What?!" Jungkook asked, pulling the door open with a great force.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook with raised brows at his sudden outburst. Jungkook would never allow himself to acquire feelings of anger towards Taehyung, his boyfriend he loved and cared because of his feelings for him. But he did.

To say it broke Taehyung's heart was a huge understatement.

"I- I just wanted to tell you that I made ramen for breakfast."

Taehyung looked down at his feet, and for once, he felt like as of he had been scolded for doing something wrong. Jungkook rolled his eyes but stepped out of his room, slamming the door behind him making Taehyung jump.

"Don't slam your door, Jungkook. It'll break that way." He spoke up as he followed him to the kitchen.

"Shut up."

Taehyung was now left in a saddening state of shock. He didn't even recognise the boy sitting at the table eating ramen with a scowl etched onto his usually bright, smiling face.

"Jungkook-ah... please can we not do this? I- I just want to talk this out. Don't be irrational, be mature about this."

Jungkook snorted. "What, so now are you implying that because I'm a little I'm immature? That I can't think for myself? You already think I can't decide for myself when I'm ready to have sex and now this? You're unbelievable."

Jungkook picked up his bowl and chopsticks, pushed passed Taehyung and entered his room, slamming the door once again despite Taehyung's warning.

Taehyung drew a deep breath and decided that he wouldn't let Jungkook have the final say in their conversation. He pushed open Jungkook's bedroom door and began to speak.

"I'm unbelievable? You're the one who's being all sensitive about me saying it wasn't the right time for you to lose your virginity! It's so hard for me to comprehend that you won't accept my feelings about this situation because I'm not ready to take this step! I'm thinking of you Jungkook— everything I do is for you!" Taehyung shouted with teary eyes.

Jungkook's eyes began to water and immediately, Taehyung felt bad for saying what he said. He could tell Jungkook had slipped into little space somewhere during his speech.

"Go away daddy! Go away!"

He pushed Taehyung away from him with tears streaming down his reddened face. Not knowing what else he could do to calm the situation, Taehyung did as he was asked and walked out of Jungkook's room leaving him to cry, his sobs echoing throughout their apartment while he wiped his fallen tears aggressively, eager to not shed more tears than he already had.

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