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Taehyung finished work and was on his way to Yoongi and Jimin's apartment. For the whole day he was in and out of concentration. He worked as a personal assistant for the chairman of a well known magazine and slacking off on the job meant he couldn't get any closer to his dream of being a model.

It's not that Taehyung thought he had the potential to be a model, he knew he did. Kim Taehyung was what many would perceive as an asshole, but he's just confident and straight forward which was usually mistaken for bad personality traits; but he had a tendency to be an asshole at times.

He reached the apartment complex and parked his car in front of the building by the curb of the pavement. He got out of his car and made his way up to Yoongi and Jimin's apartment. He knocked on the door to be greeted by Yoongi.


Yoongi's speech was cut off by Jimin and Taehyung who had travelled from upstairs to downstairs, running around the apartment.

"Na na na na na, you can't catch me!" Jimin taunted to Jungkook who was close behind him.

"Yes I can! Stop being a meanie!" Jungkook replied.

He grabbed ahold of Jimin's forearm with his right hand, but received a hard shove from his best friend, sending him to the floor in a nasty tumble.

"You cheated!" Jimin shouted.

Jungkook sat on the kitchen floor emitting loud, pained sobs while wiping at his wet eyes with his forearm aggressively.

"No I d-didn't!" Jungkook shouted back through his heart clenching sobs.

"These damn littles..." Yoongi grumbled at the scene Jimin and Jungkook created.

"Weakling, weakling! You are a weakling!" Jimin sung, resulting in Jungkook sobbing harder.

"Park Jimin!"

"No!" Jimin shouted back equally as loud as his boyfriend.

Yoongi marched up to his boyfriend and grabbed his wrist to pull him up the stairs but before they went, Yoongi made sure to tell Taehyung to comfort Jungkook through gestures. He continued to pull a screaming Jimin up the stairs and slammed their bedroom door shut. Jimin knew that he was in for a exemplary punishment.

Taehyung unsurely walked over to Jungkook not wanting to distress him further. He had no idea how to deal with a little, but he decided to treat him how he did his younger cousin's when they were upset.

"Jungkook-ah?" He called out softly.

The little only shook his head sniffling and turned away from Taehyung. He sat on the floor next to Jungkook and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Come here." Taehyung spoke, opening his arms.

Jungkook practically threw himself into his hyung's arms, almost knocking them onto the floor and cried into his chest, dampening his shirt but Taehyung didn't mind.

"Shhh Kook. Hyung's got you... it's- it's okay." He cooed to the sobbing little.

Jungkook's loud sobs quietened as time passed as Taehyung stroked his hair while holding him protectively as his body snuggled against Taehyung's.

"D-don' like Jiminie no more, w-wanna go home."

"Jiminie was mean but we have to stay because you and Jiminie have to make up." Taehyung explained.

"B-but Jiminie was so mean. Hyung don' care about me?" Jungkook muttered as his bottom lip quivered.

"Of course I care about you, silly. But Jimin needs to apologise so you two can be friends again, you want to be friends with him don't you?"

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